========================================= Package "Math-MatrixReal" Version 1.0 ========================================= for Perl version 5.000 and higher Contents of this file: ---------------------- - Legal stuff - Requirements - What does it do - Preliminary steps for use with Perl prior to version 5.002 - How to install it - Version history - Plans for the future - Credits - Final note Legal stuff: ------------ Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Steffen Beyer. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Requirements: ------------- Perl version 5.000 or higher capable of "overloading" (overload.pm). What does it do: ---------------- Math::MatrixReal - Matrix of Reals Implements the data type "matrix of reals" (and consequently also "vector of reals") which can be used almost like any other basic Perl type thanks to OPERATOR OVERLOADING, i.e., $product = $matrix1 * $matrix2; does what you would like it to do (a matrix multiplication). Also features many important operations and methods: matrix norm, matrix transposition, matrix inverse, determinant of a matrix, order and numerical condition of a matrix, scalar product of vectors, vector product of vectors, vector length, projection of row and column vectors, a comfortable way for reading in a matrix from a file, the keyboard or your code, and many more. Allows to solve linear equation systems using an efficient algorithm known as "L-R-decomposition" and several approximative (iterative) methods. Features an implementation of Kleene's algorithm to compute the minimal costs for all paths in a graph with weighted edges (the "weights" being the costs associated with each edge). Preliminary steps for use with Perl prior to version 5.002: ----------------------------------------------------------- Edit the "Makefile.PL" file in this package and change the line 'VERSION_FROM' => 'MatrixReal.pm', to 'VERSION' => '1.0', How to install it: ------------------ Please unpack and build this package OUTSIDE the Perl source and distribution tree!! 1) Change directory to the directory that has been created by unpacking this package ("Math-MatrixReal-1.0/"). 2) Type "perl Makefile.PL". (Or whatever the name and path of your Perl 5 binary is) 3) Type "make". 4) Type "make install". Version history: ---------------- Version 1.0 is the initial release. Plans for the future: --------------------- Define test cases (which is not trivial since results will depend on the local implementation of floating point arithmetics on a given machine!). Compute the characteristic polynom, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonal matrices, ... Deal with symmetric and with orthogonal matrices, multilinear functions, ... Create a module "Math::MatrixCplx" to deal with matrices of complex numbers... Deal with hermite matrices, multilinear functions, ... Credits: -------- None yet except - as always - to Andreas Koenig for his relentless support and efforts as upload manager of the CPAN! Final note: ----------- If you need any assistance or have any comments, problems, suggestions, findings, complaints, questions, insights, compliments or donations to give ;-) then please don't hesitate to send me a mail: sb@sdm.de (Steffen Beyer) In fact I'd be glad if you could drop me an e-mail when you are using this package, so I can see how much interest exists in it and how much time is reasonable to spend on its further development. Therefore, I would also be glad to know what you liked and what you disliked about this package! And I would also be very interested to know what your application is in which you found this package to be useful, just to get an idea what can all be done with it and in which direction it should be developed further. Many thanks in advance!! With kind regards, -- |s |d &|m | Steffen Beyer (+49 89) 63812-244 fax -150 | | | | software design & management GmbH & Co. KG | | | | Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Munich, Germany.