======================================= Module "Tie::Handle" Version 2.0 ======================================= requires Perl version 5.004 or higher Copyright (c) 1997 by Steffen Beyer. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. What does it do: ---------------- Tie::Handle - tie arbitrary objects to file handles This module facilitates the tying of file handles with (arbitrary) objects. File handles must be given either as symbolic file handles (like "STDOUT", "MYHANDLE" or "MYPACKAGE::MYHANDLE") or as references as returned by the object constructor method "new()" from the "IO::Handle" or "FileHandle" class (either one works). Your class "Your::Class" needs to: require Tie::Handle; and to add "Tie::Handle" to the list of classes to inherit from: @ISA = qw(Exporter Tie::Handle); in order to enable tying of file handles with objects of "Your::Class". Note that your class "Your::Class" is also responsible for providing (i.e., overloading) the appropriate methods needed to access your objects: + $object->open(); + $object->print(@items); + $item = $object->read(); + @list = $object->read(); + $key = $object->getchar(); + $bytes = $object->blockread($buffer,$length[,$offset]); + $object->close(); See the module "Data::Locations" for an example of how to implement most of these methods. Available methods: ------------------ + $object->tie('FILEHANDLE'); + $object->tie($filehandle); + print @items; + print FILEHANDLE @items; + print $filehandle @items; + printf $format, @items; + printf FILEHANDLE $format, @items; + printf $filehandle $format, @items; + $line = <>; + @list = <>; + $line = ; + @list = ; + $line = <$filehandle>; + @list = <$filehandle>; + $key = getc(); + $key = getc(FILEHANDLE); + $key = getc($filehandle); + $bytes = [sys]read(FILEHANDLE,$buffer,$length[,$offset]); + $bytes = [sys]read($filehandle,$buffer,$length[,$offset]); + untie *FILEHANDLE; + untie *{FILEHANDLE}; + untie $filehandle; + untie *{$filehandle}; Installation: ------------- Simply install this module using the following commands: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make install Documentation: -------------- To see the module's documentation, use the command "man Tie::Handle" thereafter. Version history: ---------------- Version 1.0 was the initial release. Version 2.0 changed the handling of "reset()" while tying/untying a file handle to some object to a more flexible solution: Upon tying, an object method "open()" is invoked. Upon untying, an object method "close()" is invoked. This way you can overload these methods in your module with whatever you like, even a dummy method if nothing needs to be done. Author's note: -------------- I hope you will find this module beneficial! Share and enjoy! Yours, -- Steffen Beyer http://www.engelschall.com/u/sb/ "There is enough for the need of everyone in this world, but not for the greed of everyone." - Mahatma Gandhi