NAME WWW::Deutschepost::Detail - Perl module for the Deutschepost online tracking service with details. SYNOPSIS use WWW::Deutschepost::Detail; my($other) = deutschepostcheck('paketnumber','day','month','year'); foreach my $key (keys %$other){# shipnumber, laststatus, signature (as url), pictureurl (as url), picture (as base64) print $key . ": " . ${$other}{$key} . "\n"; } # #save as picturefile # #open(F,">picture.gif"); #binmode(F); #print F decode_base64(${$other}{'picture'}); #close(F); DESCRIPTION WWW::Deutschepost::Detail - Perl module for the Deutschepost online tracking service with details. AUTHOR - COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO perl(1)