## distmgr - Manage a Perl distribution - [Description](#description) - [Limitations](#limitations) - [Usage](#usage) - [Commands](#commands) - [**create** - Create distribution with repository](#create) - [**dist** - Create a distribution](#dist) - [**release** - Release a distribution](#release) - [**cycle** - Prepare next development cycle](#cycle) - [**install** - Install individual features](#install) - [Examples](#examples) ### Description The `distmgr` command line application that's installed along with the `Dist::Mgr` Perl distribution provides the facility to manage Perl distributions that you're the author of. It allows you to create distributions (with or without a Github repository), release your distributions, automatically prepare your distribution's next development cycle, and install some or all of the features and files that we provide. ### Limitations Due to this software being early in its life, we have some limitations currently - Github is the only Version Control platform that we support - You must create an empty Github repository through their site prior to VCS operations being executed - You must have `git` installed for VCS functionality to be executed - Github Actions is the only CI platform we support - Coveralls.io is the only test coverage platform we support - Github is the only bugtracker platform we support - `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` is the only build system we support ### Usage distmgr [OPTIONS] ### Commands #### create This command creates a new distribution with all features enabled. Before using this command, you must create an empty Github repository through their site which we'll clone and insert the distribution's files into. We will include: - A base distribution skeleton, modelled around one created with `module-starter` from `Module::Starter` - `bugtracker` and `repository` information - CI and test coverage badges - Pre-populated `.gitignore` file - Pre-populated `MANIFEST.SKIP` file - Pre-populated Github Actions CI configuration file ##### Options -m | --module Mandatory: The module name (eg. Test::Module) -a | --author Mandatory: The name of the author (eg. "Steve Bertrand") -e | --email Mandatory: The email address of the author -u | --user Optional: The Github username (eg. stevieb9) -r | --repo Optional: The Github repository name (eg. test-module) -h | --help Optional: (Flag) Display help -V | --verbose Optional: (Flag) Display verbose output for each process #### dist This command is similar to [create](#create), but does not include any VCS or CI 'fluff'. It creates a simple distribution skeleton, nothing more. ##### Options -m | --module Mandatory: The module name (eg. Test::Module) -a | --author Mandatory: The name of the author (eg. "Steve Bertrand") -e | --email Mandatory: The email address of the author -h | --help Optional: (Flag) Display help -V | --verbose Optional: (Flag) Display verbose output for each process #### release This command performs a release of your distribution. The following actions are performed (Git/CI operations are only executed if you're in a repository directory): - Set the current date in the `Changes` file - Run a local `make test` - Commit and Push to Github, and execute remote CI test and coverage - Create a distribution tarball - Git tag the state of the repository with the release version - Push the new tag - Upload the distribution tarball to the CPAN ##### Options -i | --cpanid Optional: Your PAUSE userid -p | --cpanpw Optional: Your PAUSE userid's password -d | --dryrun Optional: (Flag) Don't actually upload to the CPAN -h | --help Optional: (Flag) Display help -V | --verbose Optional: (Flag) Display verbose output for each process *Note*: The `--cpanid` and `--cpanpw` can be omitted if you set the `CPAN_USERNAME` and `CPAN_PASSWORD` environment variables prior to script run. #### cycle This command is run after [release](#release), and prepares your distribution/repository for your next development cycle. We: - Bump the version (by `0.01`) in the `Changes` file - Bump the version in all of your distribution's module files - Perform Git commit and push actions ##### Options -h | --help Optional: (Flag) Display help #### install This command allows you to install the files and features of this software into an already-existing distribution that you author. ##### Options All the options listed below are optional. -g | --gitignore Install .gitignore file -c | --ci Install Github Actions CI configuration file -B | --badges Insert CI/Coverage badges links into the module's POD -b | --bugtracker Insert bugtracker information into Makefile.PL -R | --repository Insert repository information into Makefile.PL -h | --help Display help -A | --all Insert/Install all above options #### Examples - Create with repository ``` distmgr create \ --module Test::Module \ --author "Steve Bertrand" \ --email steveb@cpan.org \ --repo test-module \ --user stevieb9 ``` - Create without repository ``` distmgr dist \ -m Test::Module \ -a "Steve Bertrand" \ -e steveb@cpan.org ``` - Release an existing distribution ``` distmgr release \ --cpanid STEVEB --cpanpw password ``` - Prepare distribution for next development cycle ``` distmgr cycle ``` - Implement `Dist::Mgr` features into an existing distribution ``` distmgr install \ --gitignore \ --ci \ --badges \ --bugtracker \ --repository # or distmgr install --all ```