NAME RPi::WiringPi::Core - Perl wrapper for Raspberry Pi's wiringPi Core and System functions DESCRIPTION You probably want to use the RPi::WiringPi module instead of this one. This is an XS-based module, and requires wiringPi to be installed. It provides Perl method access to (at this time, most of) the wiringPi Core along with a few of its system functions. Although this module can be used directly, it's generally used as a base class for other modules. METHODS new() Returns a new `RPi::WiringPi::Core' object. setup() See wiringPi setup functions for for information on this method. setup_sys() See wiringPi setup functions for for information on this method. setup_gpio() See wiringPi setup functions for for information on this method. pin_mode($pin, $mode) Puts the GPIO pin in either INPUT or OUTPUT mode. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The GPIO pin number, using wiringPi's pin number representation. $mode Mandatory: `0' to have the pin listen on INPUT, and `1' for OUTPUT. read_pin($pin); Returns the current state (HIGH/on, LOW/off) of a given pin. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The wiringPi number representation of the GPIO pin. write_pin($pin, $state) Sets the state (HIGH/on, LOW/off) of a given pin. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The wiringPi number representation of the GPIO pin. $state Mandatory: `1' to turn the pin on (HIGH), and `0' to turn it LOW (off). pull_up_down($pin, $direction) Enable/disable the built-in pull up/down resistors for a specified pin. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The wiringPi number representation of the GPIO pin. $direction Mandatory: `2' for UP, `1' for DOWN and `0' to disable the resistor. pwm_write($pin, $value) Sets the Pulse Width Modulation duty cycle (on time) of the pin. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The wiringPi number representation of the GPIO pin. $value Mandatory: `0' to `1024'. `0' is 0% (off) and `1024' is 100% (fully on). get_alt($pin) This returns the current mode of the pin (using `getAlt()' C call). Modes are INPUT `0', OUTPUT `1', PWM `2' and CLOCK `3'. Parameters: $pin Mandatory: The wiringPi number representation of the GPIO pin. AUTHOR Steve Bertrand, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 by Steve Bertrand This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.