RAS::PortMaster.pm Version 1.13, December 20, 1999 Gregor Mosheh (stigmata@blackangel.net) DESCRIPTION RAS::PortMaster is a PERL 5 module for interfacing with a Livingston PortMaster remote access server. Using this module, one can very easily construct programs to find a particular user in a bank of PMs, disconnect users, get usage statistics, or execute arbitrary commands on a PM. PREREQUISITES AND INSTALLATION This module uses Jay Rogers' Net::Telnet module. If you don't have Net::Telnet, get it from CPAN or this module won't do much for you. Installation is easy: perl Makefile.PL && make && make test make install DOCUMENTATION For more information, see the POD documentation in the module itself. Try "pod2text PortMaster.pm | more" or see the installed manpage. Check out the Examples section of the manpage for examples on how you'd want to use this module.