NAME mqs::header - Perl extension for header management of files, to use with mqs::spool module SYNOPSIS use mqs::header; %header read_header($content) $content add_header($content,$key,$value) $content read_content($content) DESCRIPTION mqs::spool manage headers in messages or in simple scalar, when you add a new value in the header of a scalar, the first values given to the header is mqs-header: yes this value determines the fact that the scalar has an header. read_header returns a hash wich keys and values in the header, if no header is included in $content, the hash contains only mqs-header: no. add_header adds a key: value in the header and create the header if it does not exist read_content returns the content of all the scalar without the header. EXPORT add_header read_header read_content AUTHOR Stehane TOUGARD SEE ALSO the perl manpage.