Snake 1. SYNOPSIS 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. FILES 4. INSTALLATION 5. CHANGES 6. COPYRIGHT 7. NOTES 1. SYNOPSIS Simple snake game. Snake is a simple game. On-line help is provided - start up the game and click the Help button or press F1. 2. REQUIREMENTS (available where you picked up snake) Perl 5.004 Tk 400.202 Linux/X windows or Win32 The game was developed under Debian GNU/Linux 2.0. ~60K disk space. 3. FILES README debian-menu snake snake-body.xpm snake-food-1.xpm snake-food-2.xpm snake-food-3.xpm snake-head.xpm snake-icon-16x16.xpm Snake will create a directory in your home directory called '.games' and a file in that directory called 'snakerc'. For Win32 it will create a file called 'SNAKE.INI' in the directory from which it is invoked. 4. INSTALLATION Note that Snake can be installed pretty well anywhere - the only restriction is that all the snake* files must be together in the same directory. # Create the directories. mkdir /usr/games mkdir /usr/games/snake # Copy the tar.gz to the game directory. cp snake-VERSION.tar.gz /usr/games # Change to the games directory. cd /usr/games # Unpack the archive using method A or B: # Method A for those using GNU tar tar xvfz snake-VERSION.tar.gz # Method B for those not using GNU tar gunzip snake-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf snake-VERSION.tar # Change to the snake directory. cd snake # Make sure snake is executable. chmod a+x snake # If this is an upgrade from a previous version and you're not using Win32 # then keep your options. mv ~/.games/snake-opts ~/.games/snakerc # If you want snake to appear on your X menu do the following: cp debian-menu /etc/menu/snake update-menus # Note that the name of the file supplied, 'debian-menu', is changed in the # move to 'snake'. Note also that if you haven't used the paths given here you # must change the command path in /etc/menu/snake. The addition to the menu # will only appear when the window manager is restarted. # To run snake from the command line: /usr/games/snake/snake & # You could always either alias this or use a soft link to a directory on the # path to save typing the whole path. Note that 'deprecated' error messages # which appear are harmless and can be ignored. 5. CHANGES 1999/01/23 Modified options so that game doesn't have to exec itself if you change the board size. 1999/02/02 Made a little more Win32 'friendly'. 1999/02/23 Should now work under Windows. 1999/03/18 Minor documentation changes to suit CPAN scripts area. 1999/04/21 Added to .tar.gz. 1999/08/07 Minor fixes for Win32. Also Linux options file has been renamed .snakerc to be more conventional. 1999/08/08 Changed licence to GPL. 1999/08/28 Changed help file to use my tk-text render_pod routine. 1999/09/06 Removed at Lupe Christoph's (CPAN) request. You must pick this module up separately now (although old versions will work fine if you've already got one). 6. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1998/9. All Rights Reserved. Snake may be used/distributed under the GPL. Contact: - please include 'snake' in the subject line. 7. NOTES Snake was developed as a result of a long wait at Glasgow airport. Due to excessive boredom I discovered that my company-supplied mobile phone had a simple game on it called 'snake'. I actually liked the game and decided I'd rather play it on my PC than my phone. Using the same code-base I've also written a version of Tetris called Petris. I think that the code supplied here could be adapted to many other 'graph-paper' games.