xxx2lout version 0.01 The following little perl programs are included: * html2lout - Converts HTML to lout * pod2lout - Converts pod to lout * txt2lout - Converts plain text to lout * perl2lout - Converts perl programs to lout They are supported by two modules: * - this provides the txt2lout function used by the first three converters, and a supporting set_txt2lout function; and * HTML/ - this provides the routines for the hooks in the HTML/ module. txt2lout can be used as a nice filter, say in vi, with ".,$!txt2lout -w 0" for example. html2lout (i.e. HTML/ doesn't do tables - but I intend having a go at that. It also doesn't deal with &entities; very well since it relies on HTML/ to translate them and uses each 8-bit character as is; the awk html2lout converts entities directly into {@Char entity}'s which is what I should do. Even if they don't give you exactly the results you want they may be enough to knock some source text into a usable form. As for installing just create a directory somewhere and unzip and untar the lot, e.g. tar xvfz xxx2lout-VERSION.tar.gz or gunzip xxx2lout-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf xxx2lout-VERSION.tar then either put this directory in your PATH or create some soft links from somewhere on your path to the xxx2lout scripts you want. Note: You must have Perl 5.004 or later; and to use html2lout you must have HTML::Parser which comes in the libwww-perl library. These are quick scripts, but if you have comments, improvements etc send them to with 'xxx2lout' in the subject line. Copyright (c) 1999 Mark Summerfield. All Rights Reserved. May be used/distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.