xxx2lout version 1.00 SUMMARY The following little perl programs are included: * html2lout - Converts HTML to lout * pod2lout - Converts pod to lout * txt2lout - Converts plain text to lout * perl2lout - Converts perl programs to lout They are supported by two modules which can be used by perl programmers doing their own lout processing: * - this provides the txt2lout function used by the first three converters, and a supporting set_option function; it also provides htmlentity2lout used by html2lout. * HTML/ - this provides the routines for the hooks in the HTML/ module. txt2lout can be used as a nice filter, say in vi, with ".,$!txt2lout -w 0" for example. html2lout (i.e. HTML/ now does tables - its very crude and simple and you'll probably have to hand tweak, but its a start. Even if they don't give you exactly the results you want they may be enough to knock some source text into a usable form. CHANGES 0.01 First version. 0.02 Added some code to handle html tables in html2lout; also made LoutParser a first class object with some parameters to influence its behaviour. 0.03 Improved html2lout - if multiple fonts given, choses just the last one and inserts Base. Insert empty objects {} in front of @B, @I etc to ensure they don't collide with preceeding words. Corrections to smart quotes applied. Now use Text::Wrap to wrap long lines. Added code to handle more tags. 1.00 First documented version. Improved html2lout - better table handling (but still very basic). No longer puts @LP's all over the place, so everything comes out better, including lists. Now &entity;'s are converted to {@Char entity}'s. More options added to control commenting of handled and unhandled tags. More tags handled. Parser object data bugs sorted. All files now have their own pod documentation. INSTALLING As for installing just create a directory somewhere and unzip and untar the lot, e.g. tar xvfz xxx2lout-VERSION.tar.gz or gunzip xxx2lout-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf xxx2lout-VERSION.tar then either put this directory in your PATH or create some soft links from somewhere on your path to the xxx2lout scripts you want. Note: You must have Perl 5.004 or later; and to use html2lout you must have HTML::Parser which comes in the libwww-perl library and Text::Wrap which comes with Perl. LICENCE These are quick scripts, but if you have comments, improvements etc send them to with 'xxx2lout' in the subject line. Copyright (c) 1999 Mark Summerfield. All Rights Reserved. May be used/distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.