This is a Perl client for Artifactory REST API: use Artifactory::Client; my $args = { artifactory => '', port => 8080, repository => 'myrepository', ua => LWP::UserAgent->new() # LWP::UserAgent-like object is pluggable. Default is LWP::UserAgent. }; my $client = Artifactory::Client->new( $args ); my $path = '/foo'; # path on artifactory # Properties are a hashref of key-arrayref pairs. Note that value must be an arrayref even for a single element. # This is to conform with Artifactory which treats property values as a list. my $properties = { one => ['two'], baz => ['three'], }; my $content = "content of artifact"; # Name of methods are taken straight from Artifactory REST API documentation. 'Deploy Artifact' would map to # deploy_artifact method, like below. The caller gets HTTP::Response object back. my $resp = $client->deploy_artifact( path => $path, properties => $properties, content => $content ); # Custom requests can also be made via usual get / post / put / delete requests. my $resp = $client->get( '' );