NAME Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::LDAP - LDAP authentication provider for Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible DESCRIPTION This class is a generic LDAP authentication provider. See Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible for details on how to use the authentication framework. ATTRIBUTES host The LDAP host name or IP address passed to "CONSTRUCTOR" in Net::LDAP. Required. options Extra options to be passed to "CONSTRUCTOR" in Net::LDAP as a hash reference. basedn The base dn for all searches (e.g. 'dc=example,dc=com'). Required. binddn This must be the distinguished name of a user capable of binding to and reading the directory (e.g. 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com'). Required. bindpw The password for "binddn". Required. username_attribute The attribute to match when searching for a username. Defaults to 'cn'. name_attribute The attribute which contains the full name of the user. See also: "name" in Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Role::User. Defaults to 'displayName'. user_filter Filter used when searching for users. Defaults to '(objectClass=person)'. role_attribute The attribute used when searching for role names. Defaults to 'cn'. role_filter Filter used when searching for roles. Defaults to '(objectClass=groupOfNames)' role_member_attribute The attribute who's value should be a user's DN to show the user has the specific "role_attribute"'s value. Defaults to 'member'. METHODS ldap Returns a connected Net::LDAP object. On error logs an error and returns undef. authenticate_user $username, $password get_user_details $username get_user_roles