NAME Win32::PingICMP - ICMP Ping support for Win32 based on ICMP.DLL SYNOPSIS use Win32::PingICMP; my $p = Win32::PingICMP->new(); if ($p->ping($@ARGV)) { print "Ping took ".$p->details->{roundtriptime}."\n"; } else { print "Ping unsuccessful: ".$p->details->{status}."\n"; } DESCRIPTION `Win32::PingICMP' is designed to mimic the ICMP ping functionality of `Net::Ping', but because `Win32::PingICMP' uses `ICMP.DLL' instead of raw sockets, it will work without local Administrative privileges under Windows NT/2000/XP. In addition, access to the `ICMP_ECHO_REPLY' data structure is provided, making it possible to get more accurate timing values from pings. Installation instructions This module requires Aldo Calpini's `Win32::API', available from CPAN and via PPM. AUTHOR Toby Everett, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Some of the documentation is copied from that for `Net::Ping' 2.02. Since I was attempting to make this a replacement for that module, similarity in documentation struck me as a Good Thing(TM). I would never have done this if I hadn't seen I would never have attempted this if `Win32::API' didn't bring the Win32 API within the reach of mere mortals like me. I would never have seen that if Christopher Elkin hadn't tried using `Win32::ProcFarm' on his web server to do monitoring via pings and asked me why things weren't working when the code ran without admin privs. METHODS Win32::PingICMP->new([$proto [, $def_timeout [, $bytes]]]); Create a new ping object. All of the parameters are optional. `$proto' specifies the protocol to use when doing a ping. The only currently supported choice is '`icmp''. If a default timeout (`$def_timeout') in seconds is provided, it is used when a timeout is not given to the `ping()' method (below). It is recommended that the timeout be greater than `0' and the default, if not specified, is `5' seconds. Fractional values are permitted. If the number of data bytes (`$bytes') is given, that many data bytes are included in the ping packet sent to the remote host. The default is `0' bytes. The maximum is `996'. $p->ping($host [, $timeout]); Ping the remote host and wait for a response. `$host' can be either the hostname or the IP number of the remote host. The optional timeout should be greater than 0 seconds and defaults to whatever was specified when the ping object was created. Fractional values are permitted for the timeout. If the hostname cannot be found or there is a problem with the IP number, `undef' is returned. Otherwise, `1' is returned if the host is reachable and `0' if it is not. For all practical purposes, `undef' and `0' and can be treated as the same case. $p->close(); Close the network connection for this ping object. The network connection is also closed by "`undef $p'". The network connection is automatically closed if the ping object goes out of scope (e.g. `$p' is local to a subroutine and you leave the subroutine). $p->requestdata([$requestdata]); Get and/or set the request data to be used in the packet. $p->details(); Returns the gory details of the last ping attempted by the object. This is a reference to an anonymous hash and contains: replies This is a reference to an anonymous array containing anonymous hash references with the gory details of the replies to the ping. In certain pathological cases, it *might* be possible for there to be multiple replies, which is why this is an array. This would be the case if the `IcmpSendEcho' call returned a value greater than 1, indicating that more than one packet was received in response. Of course, the first packet received should cause `IcmpSendEcho' to return, so I'm not quite sure how this would happen. The Microsoft documentation is incomplete on this point - they clearly state "Upon return, the buffer contains an array of `ICMP_ECHO_REPLY' structures followed by options and data." This would seem to indicate that multiple `ICMP_ECHO_REPLY' structures might reasonably be expected, as does the comment "The call returns when the time-out has expired or the reply buffer is filled." However, the functions appears to return as soon as there is one entry in the reply buffer, even when there is copious space left in the reply buffer and the time-out has yet to expire. My best guess is that there will never be more than one `ICMP_ECHO_REPLY' structure returned, but I have written the code to deal with the multiple structure case should it occur. The anonymous hashes consist of the following elements: address Address from which the reply packet was sent. data Data present in the reply packet. flags IP header flags from the reply packet. optionsdata Bytes from the options area following the IP header. roundtriptime Round trip time. This appears to be inaccurate if there is no actual reply packet (as in the case of a '`IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT''). status The per reply status returned by the `IcmpSendEcho'. If the returned value matches a known constant, a text string is returned (i.e. '`IP_SUCCESS'', '`IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT'', etc.). tos The type-of-service for the reply packet. ttl The time-to-live for the reply packet. host The originally specified IP address or DNS name from the `ping' call. ipaddr The IP address used for the actual ping. roundtriptime The `roundtriptime' value for the first reply. status The `status' value for the first reply. success The same value returned by the `ping' call. This is absent if an IP address could not be determined for the host, `1' if there were one or more replies with a status value of '`IP_STATUS'', and `0' if there were none. timeout The specified timeout value in milliseconds.