Bio::ToolBox - Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data DESCRIPTION This is a collection of libraries and high-quality end-user scripts for bioinformatic analysis, including working with gene annotation, collecting data scores from a variety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The Bio::ToolBox libraries provide a unified, abstracted interface to multiple common gene annotation formats and the collection of data from multiple data files. They rely on BioPerl SeqFeature libraries and related adaptors to access binary file formats including Bam, BigWig, BigBed, and USeq. The Bio::ToolBox package includes scripts for setting up databases of annotation, collecting annotated features, collecting genomic data relative to features, manipulating and analyzing data, and data format conversion. REQUIREMENTS These are Perl modules and scripts. They require Perl and a command-line environment. They have been developed and tested on Mac OS X and linux; Microsoft Windows compatability is not tested but should mostly work. INSTALLATION Installation is simple with the standard Perl incantation. perl ./Build.PL ./Build installdeps # if necessary ./Build ./Build test ./Build install Released version may be obtained though the CPAN repository using your favorite package manager. For a quick installation, the following command will get you started using the system perl and your personal home PERL5 library. curl -L | perl - local::lib App::cpanminus Bio::ToolBox ADDITIONAL MODULES To make the installation as lean and simple as possible, only the minimal additional Perl modules are required, while the remainder are only recommended. These can be installed subsequently as necessary as the need arises. Most of the database adapters, including those for Bam, BigWig, and BigBed, require external library dependencies that must be compiled separately. See the respective modules for installation instructions. Most scripts should fail gently with warnings about missing modules. USAGE OF PROVIDED SCRIPTS * Configuration * There is a configuration file that may be customized for your particular installation. The default file is written to ~/.biotoolbox.cfg. It is a simple INI-style file that is used to set up database connection profiles, feature aliases, helper application locations, etc. The file may be edited by users. More documentation can be found in the Bio::ToolBox::db_helper::config documentation. This file is automatically written as needed; it is not installed by the Installer. * Execution * All biotoolbox scripts are designed to be run from the command line or executed from another script. Some programs, for example, also provide an interactive interface to allow for spontaneous work or when the exact index number or name of the dataset in the file or database is not immediately known. * Help * All scripts require command line options for execution. Executing the program without any options will present a synopsis of the options that are available. Most programs also have a --help option, which will display detailed information about the program and execution (usually by displaying the internal POD). The options are given in the long format (--help, for example), but may be shortened to single letters if the first letter is unique (-h, for example). * File Formats * Many of the programs are designed to input and output a tabbed-delimited text format (unix line endings), where the rows represent genomic features, bins, etc. and the columns represent descriptive information and data. The first line in the table are the column headings. Metadata about each column are recorded in header lines at the beginning of the file and prefixed by a # symbol. The files may be compressed with gzip. More information may be found Bio::ToolBox::Data. PROJECT WEBSITE The BioToolBox project repository may be found at