Last updated 2000.01.27 18:24 - for DBIx::CGITables 0.00 README This is WORK IN CONSTRUCTION. Currently only the POD is available. I'm posting this because I hope to get some comments about it. If you desperately need a working web based database module today, I do have the previous version of this module. Anyway, I decided to do this from scratch - and I have a deadline in only one week!! DESCRIPTION The intention behind DBIx::CGITables is to allow a very easy way to put up cgi-based databases. The intention is that anyone running a webserver might feed a template generating script with the DD code, use two-five minutes configurating the CGI and the web server, and then be able to access the complete database from the web! Further on, anyone spending some more days of tuning should be able to generate an easy-to-use, nice looking specialized database on the net. LICENSE The Artistic License applies at mondays, and the GNU Public License the rest of the week. If you incorporate this module in a commercial product at a tuesday without asking me for permission, I might sue you. Err, probably not. Anyway, if you have problems due to the licensing, please send me a mail ;) AUTHOR Tobias Brox I will eventually put up a mailing list, but as of today just send me a personal mail if you have comments..