NAME Test::MockFile - Lets tests validate code which interacts with files without the file system ever being touched. VERSION Version 0.002 SYNOPSIS Intercepts file system calls for specific files so unit testing can take place without any files being altered on disk. This is useful for small tests where file interaction is discouraged. A strict mode is even provided which can throw a die when files are accessed during your tests! # Loaded before Test::MockModule so uses the core perl functions without any hooks. use Module::I::Dont::Want::To::Alter; use Test::MockFile; my $mock_file = Test::MockFile->file("/foo/bar", "contents\ngo\nhere"); open(my $fh, "<", "/foo/bar") or die; # Does not actually open the file on disk. say "ok" if -e $fh; close $fh; say "ok" if (-f "/foo/bar"); say "/foo/bar is THIS BIG: " . -s "/foo/bar" my $missing_mocked_file = Test::MockFile->file("/foo/baz"); # File starts out missing. my $opened = open(my $baz_fh, "<", "/foo/baz"); # File reports as missing so fails. say "ok" if !-e "/foo/baz"; open($baz_fh, ">", "/foo/baz") or die; # open for writing print <$baz_fh> "replace contents\n"; open($baz_fh, ">>", "/foo/baz") or die; # open for append. print <$baz_fh> "second line"; close $baz_fh; say $baz->contents; # Unmock your file. undef $missing_mocked_file; # The file check will now happen on file system now the file is no longer mocked. say "ok" if !-e "/foo/baz"; EXPORT No exports are provided by this module. SUBROUTINES/METHODS file Args: ($file, $contents, $stats) This will make cause $file to be mocked in all file checks, opens, etc. undef contents means that the file should act like it's not there. See "Mock Stats" for what goes in this hash ref. symlink Args: ($file, $readlink ) This will make cause $file to be mocked in all file checks, opens, etc. $readlink indicates what "fake" file it points to. If the file $readlink points to is not mocked, it will act like a broken link, regardless of what's on disk. Stats are not able to be specified on instantiation but can in theory be altered after the object is created. People don't normally mess with the permissions on a symlink. dir Args: ($dir, \@contents, $stats) This will cause $dir to be mocked in all file checks, and opendir interactions. @contents should be provided in the sort order you expect to see the files from readdir. NOTE: Because "." and ".." will always be the first things readdir returns, These files are automatically inserted at the front of the array. See "Mock Stats" for what goes in this hash ref. Mock Stats When creating mocked files or directories, we default their stats to: Test::MockModule->new( $file, $contents, { 'dev' => 0, # stat[0] 'inode' => 0, # stat[1] 'mode' => $mode, # stat[2] 'nlink' => 0, # stat[3] 'uid' => 0, # stat[4] 'gid' => 0, # stat[5] 'rdev' => 0, # stat[6] 'atime' => $now, # stat[8] 'mtime' => $now, # stat[9] 'ctime' => $now, # stat[10] 'blksize' => 4096, # stat[11] 'fileno' => undef, # fileno() }; You'll notice that mode, size, and blocks have been left out of this. Mode is set to 666 (for files) or 777 (for directores), xored against the current umask. Size and blocks are calculated based on the size of 'contents' a.k.a. the fake file. When you want to override one of the defaults, all you need to do is specify that when you declare the file or directory. The rest will continue to default. Test::MockModule->file("/root/abc", "...", {inode => 65, uid => 123, mtime => int((2000-1970) * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 })); Test::MockModule->dir("/sbin", "...", { mode => 0700 })); new This class method is called by file/symlink/dir. There is no good reason to call this directly. contents Optional Arg: $contents Reports or updates the current contents of the file. To update, pass an array ref of strings for a dir or a string for a file. Symlinks have no contents. stat Returns the stat of a mocked file (does not follow symlinks.) readlink Optional Arg: $readlink Returns the stat of a mocked file (does not follow symlinks.) You can also use this to change what your symlink is poointing to. is_link returns true/false, depending on whether this object is a symlink. is_dir returns true/false, depending on whether this object is a directory. is_file returns true/false, depending on whether this object is regular file. size returns the size of the file based on its contents. blocks Calculates the block count of the file based on its size. chmod Optional Arg: $perms Allows you to alter the permissions of a file. This only allows you to change the 07777 bits of the file permissions. The number passed should be the octal 0755 form, not the alphabetic "755" form mtime Optional Arg: $new_epoch_time Returns and optionally sets the mtime of the file if passed as an integer. ctime Optional Arg: $new_epoch_time Returns and optionally sets the ctime of the file if passed as an integer. atime Optional Arg: $new_epoch_time Returns and optionally sets the atime of the file if passed as an integer. How this mocking is done: Test::MockModule uses 2 methods to mock file access: -X via Overload::FileCheck It is currently not possible in pure perl to override stat , lstat and -X operators . In conjunction with this module, we've developed Overload::FileCheck. This enables us to intercept calls to stat, lstat and -X operators (like -e, -f, -d, -s, etc.) and passe them to our control.If the file is currently being mocked, we return the stat (or lstat) information on the file to be used to determine the answer to whatever check was made. This even works for things like "-e _". If we do not control the file in question, we return "FALLBACK_TO_REAL_OP()" which then makes a normal check. CORE::GLOBAL:: overrides Since 5.20, it has been possible to override function calls by defining them. like: *CORE::GLOBAL::open = sub : prototype(*;$@) {...} Any code which is loaded AFTER this happens will use the alternate open. This means you can place your "use Test::MockFile" statement after statements you don't want mocked and there is no risk that that code will ever be altered by Test::MockModule. We oveload the following statements and then return tied handles to enable the rest of the IO functions to work properly: open sysopen opendir readdir telldir seekdir rewinddir closedir AUTHOR Todd Rinaldo, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to . SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Test::MockFile You can also look for information at: * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Nicolas R., "" for help with Overload::FileCheck. This module could not have been completed without it. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2018 cPanel L.L.C. All rights reserved. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.