NAME Cache::Memory::Simple - Yet another on memory cache SYNOPSIS use Cache::Memory::Simple; use feature qw/state/; sub get_stuff { my ($class, $key) = @_; state $cache = Cache::MemoryCache::Simple->new(); $cache->get_or_set( $key, sub { Storage->get($key) # slow operation }, 10 # cache in 10 seconds ); } DESCRIPTION Cache::Memory::Simple is yet another on memory cache implementation. METHODS my $obj = Cache::Memory::Simple->new() Create a new instance. my $stuff = $obj->get($key); Get a stuff from cache storage by $key $obj->set($key, $val, $expiration) Set a stuff for cache. $obj->delete($key) Delete key from cache. $obj->purge() Purge expired data. This module does not purge expired data automatically. You need to call this method if you need. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno SEE ALSO LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.