NAME Cache::Memory::Simple - Yet another on memory cache SYNOPSIS use Cache::Memory::Simple; use feature qw/state/; sub get_stuff { my ($class, $key) = @_; state $cache = Cache::Memory::Simple->new(); $cache->get_or_set( $key, sub { Storage->get($key) # slow operation }, 10 # cache in 10 seconds ); } DESCRIPTION Cache::Memory::Simple is yet another on memory cache implementation. METHODS my $obj = Cache::Memory::Simple->new() Create a new instance. my $stuff = $obj->get($key); Get a stuff from cache storage by $key $obj->set($key, $val, $expiration) Set a stuff for cache. $obj->delete($key) Delete key from cache. $obj->purge() Purge expired data. This module does not purge expired data automatically. You need to call this method if you need. $obj->delete_all() Remove all data from cache. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno SEE ALSO LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.