NAME Perl::Build - perl builder SYNOPSIS # install perl from CPAN Perl::Build->install_from_cpan( '5.16.2' => ( dst_path => '/path/to/perl-5.16.2/', configure_options => ['-des'], ) ); # install perl from tar ball Perl::Build->install_from_cpan( 'path/to/perl-5.16.2.tar.gz' => ( dst_path => '/path/to/perl-5.16.2/', configure_options => ['-des'], ) ); DESCRIPTION This is yet another perl builder module. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. METHODS Perl::Build->install_from_cpan($version, %args) Install $version perl from CPAN. This method fetches tar ball from CPAN, build, and install it. You can pass following options in %args. dst_path Destination directory to install perl. configure_options : ArrayRef(Optional) Command line arguments for ./Configure. (Default: ['-de']) tarball_dir(Optional) Temporary directory to put tar ball. build_dir(Optional) Temporary directory to build binary. patchperl(Optional) Path to patchperl. patchperl is a patch set for older perls. (Default: 'patchperl') Perl::Build->install_from_tarball($dist_tarball_path, %args) Install perl from tar ball. This method extracts tar ball, build, and install. You can pass following options in %args. dst_path(Required) Destination directory to install perl. configure_options : ArrayRef(Optional) Command line arguments for ./Configure. (Default: ['-de']) build_dir(Optional) Temporary directory to build binary. patchperl(Optional) Path to patchperl. patchperl is a patch set for older perls. (Default: 'patchperl') Perl::Build->install(%args) Build and install Perl5 from extracted source directory. src_path(Required) Source code directory to build. That contains extracted Perl5 source code. dst_path(Required) Destination directory to install perl. configure_options : ArrayRef(Optional) Command line arguments for ./Configure. (Default: ['-de']) patchperl(Optional) Path to patchperl. patchperl is a patch set for older perls. (Default: 'patchperl') test: Bool(Optional) If you set this value as true, Perl::Build runs "make test" after building. (Default: 0) THANKS TO most of the code was taken from App::perlbrew. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno LICENSE This software takes most of the code from App::perlbrew. Perl::Build uses same license with perlbrew.