The sxip 2.0 Perl Membersite Development Kit Copyright (c) 2006 Sxip Identity Corp. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Sxip MDK License (the "License"). You may not use this Package except in compliance with the License. You may view a copy of the License in the LICENSE file located in the same directory as this file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION What is SXIP? The Simple eXtensible Identity Protocol (SXIP) is an open protocol for identity management built by Sxip Identity. What is the Perl MDK? The Perl MDK contains libraries and tools that make it easier to integrate the SXIP protocol into Perl-based web applications. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT The community site for sxip developers is You may want to join one or more of the mailing lists: - Subscribe to to stay up to date with software releases and other important happenings: - Subscribe to to discuss Sxip development, get answers to technical questions and request new features. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION For detailed instructions on how to install the Perl MDK, please refer to the INSTALL document in the same directory as this document. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE CONTENTS The contents of this package are: INSTALL Instructions for installing the MDK. README General information about the MDK. LICENSE Terms of use for the MDK. lib/SXIP/ SXIP::Membersite module demo/ Demo Membersite (CGI) t/ Module test scripts ======================================================================