# NAME Text::Markdown::Hoedown - hoedown for Perl5 # SYNOPSIS use Text::Markdown::Hoedown; print markdown(<<'...'); # foo bar * hoge * fuga ... # DESCRIPTION Text::Markdown::Hoedown is binding library for hoedown. hoedown is a forking project from sundown. # FUNCTIONS - ` my $out = markdown($src :Str, $extensions:Int, $options:Int, $max_nesting:Int) :Str ` Rendering markdown. # TODO - Export constants - Document about constants - Document about low level APIs # HACKING `hoedown/` directory is managed by git subtree. You can pull the modifications from upstream by following command: git subtree pull --prefix=hoedown git@github.com:hoedown/hoedown.git master # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokuhirom