# NAME Web::ChromeLogger - ChromeLogger for Perl # SYNOPSIS use Web::ChromeLogger; get '/', sub { my $logger = Web::ChromeLogger->new(); $logger->info('hey!'); my $html = render_html(); return [ 200, ['X-ChromeLogger-Data' => $logger->finalize()], $html, ]; }; # DESCRIPTION Web::ChromeLogger is a ChromeLogger library for Perl5. Chrome Logger is a Google Chrome extension for debugging server side applications in the Chrome console. # HOW IT WORKS This module generates the string for ChromeLogger. You can send the string in 'X-ChromeLogger-Data' header in HTTP response. For more details, please see [ChromeLogger's Technical Specification](http://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger/techspecs) # LARGE RESPONSE HEADER ## NGINX PROXY If you are using nginx as reverse proxy, you need to set following parameters in your configuration file: proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; ## Maximum Data Size Chrome has a limit of `250kb` across all headers for a single request so that is the maximum amount of encoded data you can send. # METHODS - `my $logger = Web::ChromeLogger->new(%args)` Create new instance with following parameters: - json\_encoder (Default: `JSON::XS->new()->ascii(1)->convert_blessed` ) JSON encoder object. You can use JSON::XS or JSON::PP for this. I guess you don't need to set this parameter. - `$logger->group($title: Str)` Push 'group'. - `$logger->group_end($title: Str)` Push `groupEnd`. - `$logger->info($title: Str)` Push 'info'. - `$logger->warn($title: Str)` Push 'warn'. - `$logger->wrap_by_group($title: Str)` Wrap current logging data by `$title` group. - `$logger->finalize()` Generate header string. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno # SEE ALSO [ChromeLogger](http://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger)