Bot::BasicBot 0.50 SYNOPSIS Bot::BasicBot is a basic system designed to make it easy to do simple bots, optionally forking longer processes (like searches) concurrently in the back-ground. It's based on POE, but abstracts all of the POE jiggery-pokery as much as possible, leaving you to just code bots. INSTALL The standard install process should work fine: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (as root) POE will generate the following warning during the Makefile.PL and "make test" phases of installation: POE::Kernel's run() method was never called. This will hopefully be fixed in a future release, but I'm following the time-honoured adage "release early, release often" :) And it just looks untidy, it doesn't affect the install process. REQUIREMENTS You need to have POE 0.22 or later installed. Earlier versions don't include POE::Wheel::Run, or have POE::Wheel::Run with a different interface, which will break the forking component of the bot. You also need POE::Component::IRC. AUTHOR Bot::BasicBot is maintained by Tom Insam . It's based on initial work by Mark Fowler and Simon Batistoni.