Exception::Handler version 1.00_2 ================================= DESCRIPTION Report exceptions with formatted text call-stack CHANGES IN LAST FEW RELEASES (listed in reverse cronological order by date and subversion) 1.00_2 12/23/02, 1:44 am Initial release of Exception::Handler.pm INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install On windows machines use nmake rather than make; those running cygwin don't have to worry about this. If you don't know what cygwin is, use nmake and check out after you're done installing this module if you want to find out. DEPENDENCIES None. AUTHOR Tommy Butler COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Tommy Butler 2001-2003, all rights reserved. LICENCE This library is free software, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.