File::Util ========================= DESCRIPTION File::Util provides a comprehensive toolbox of utilities to automate all kinds of common tasks on file / directories. Its purpose is to do so in the most portable manner possible so that users of this module won't have to worry about whether their programs will work on other OSes and machines. CHANGES IN LAST FEW RELEASES (listed in reverse chronological order by date and subversion) 3.23 Fri Feb 15 07:34:29 CST 2008 No major code changes. Small bug fixes-- Corrected syntax on package makefile that causes warnings to be generated in cases of older Perl versions. Also corrected a problem in the documentation where the section "Get the path preceeding a file name" was showing incorrect information. 3.22 Wed May 23 16:27:20 CDT 2007 Fixed windows-specific bugs associated with the handling of newlines and directory path separators. Now compatible with Strawberry Perl and once again Active$tate Perl for MSWin*. 3.21 Mon May 21 18:22:11 CDT 2007 Fixed solaris-specific bug in test suite causing a simple regular expression to fail. Previous changes up to this point merit a public release, pending the fixing of afforementioned bug, hence this release. 3.20_2 Mon May 21 16:15:23 CDT 2007 Fixed small but important incompatibility with some versions of Exception::Handler 3.20_1 Fri May 18 15:42:01 CDT 2007 Improved error handling mechanism even more, and created 31 new test scenarios to make sure that any failure events are handled correctly. Fixed some small latent bugs, for example, corrected file handle reference verification error handling--checking for validity of file handle references. 3.19 Wed May 16 18:07:49 CDT 2007 Documentation. Documentation. Documentation. Small corrections and several enhancements. More examples. Improved error-handling mechanism by adding cascading logic to prioritize fatality-handling rules of failed calls over the rules of the File::Util object, whether they be defaults or manually set up via File::Util::new() INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install On windows machines use nmake rather than make; those running cygwin don't have to worry about this. If you don't know what cygwin is, use nmake and check out after you're done installing this module if you want to find out. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Class::OOorNO v0.01_0 or better Exception::Handler v1.00_0 or better AUTHOR Tommy Butler COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Tommy Butler 2001-2002, all rights reserved. LICENCE This library is free software, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.