# NAME Log::Any::Adapter::JSON - One-line JSON logging of arbitrary structured data # SYNOPSIS Get a logger and specify the output destination: use Log::Any '$log'; use Log::Any::Adapter ('JSON', '/path/to/file.log'); # or use Log::Any '$log'; use Log::Any::Adapter; my $handle = ...; # FH, pipe, etc Log::Any::Adapter->set('JSON', $handle); Log some data: $log->info('Hello, world'); $log->info('Hello, %s', $name); $log->debug('Blabla', { tracking_id => 42 }); $log->debug('Blorgle', { foo => 'bar' }, [qw/a b c/], 'last thing'); # DESCRIPTION This [Log::Any](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log%3A%3AAny) adapter logs formatted messages and arbitrary structured data in a single line of JSON per entry. You must pass a filename or an open handle to which the entries will be printed. Optionally you may pass an `encoding` argument which will be used to apply a `binmode` layer to the output handle. The default encoding is `UTF-8`. # OUTPUT ## Logged data fields The adapter expects a string and an optional list `@items`. If the string has no formatting tokens, it is included in the log entry in the `message` field as-is. If the string has formatting tokens, `@items` is checked to verify that the next `N` values are scalars, where `N` is the number of tokens in the string. If the number is the same, the string and tokens are combined using `sprintf()` and the resulting string is included in the log entry in the `message` field. If the token and value counts don't match, the adapter croaks. After the format processing, the remainder of the `items` array is processed. It may hold arrayrefs, which are included in a top- level key named `list_data`; additional scalars, which are pushed into the `additional_messages` key; and hashrefs. The first hashref encountered has its keys promoted to top-level keys in the log entry, while additional hashrefs are included in a top-level key named `hash_data`. ## Other fields In addition, the log entry will have the following fields: - `time` - `level` - `category` # EXAMPLES ## Plain text message $log->debug('a simple message'); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "category":"main", "level":"debug", "message":"hello, world", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124" } ## Formatted message my $val = "string"; my $num = 2; $log->debug('a formatted %s with %d tokens', $val, $num); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "category":"main", "level":"debug", "message":"a formatted string with 2 tokens", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124" } ## Single hashref The first hashref encountered has its keys elevated to the top level. $log->debug('the message', { tracker => 42 }); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "category":"main", "level":"debug", "message":"the message", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124", "tracker":42 } ## Additional hashrefs and arrayrefs $log->debug('the message', { tracker => 42 }, { foo => 'bar'}); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "category":"main", "hash_data":{ "foo":"bar" }, "level":"debug", "message":"the message", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124", "tracker":42 } $log->debug('the message', { tracker => 42 }, {foo => 'bar'}, [1..3]); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "category":"main", "hash_data":[ {"foo":"bar"} ], "level":"debug", "list_data":[ [1,2,3] ], "message":"the message", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124", "tracker":42 } ## Additional messages Any scalars that are passed that are not consumed as the values of formatting tokens will be included in an `additonal_messages` key. $log->debug('a simple message', 'foo', 'bar'); Output is a **single string** with JSON like: { "additional\_messages":\[ 'foo', 'bar' \], "category":"main", "level":"debug", "message":"hello, world", "time":"2021-03-03T17:23:25.73124" } # SEE ALSO [Log::Any](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log%3A%3AAny) [Log::Any::Adapter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log%3A%3AAny%3A%3AAdapter)