Tk::HMListbox Module 3.00 Tk::HMListbox is a derivitive of Tk::SMListbox that adds the ability to include images, as well as text, as supported by the underlying HList widget. The main physical difference between Tk::HMListbox and Tk::SMListbox is that it is derived from HList. However, the purpose of this widget is to provide a drop-in Tk::HList-based replacement for Tk::SMListbox and Tk::MListbox, hence the interface is designed to match that of Tk::SMListbox while providing most of the features of Tk::HList. Tk::HMListbox supportsall the options provided by Tk::SMListbox, but adds the "-itemtype" column-configuration option. Tk::HListbox lets the user create multi-column Listboxes with images (icons) either in lieu of or along with text strings as selectable options. One can also mix columns containing text, images, or both in the same HMListbox. Tk::HListbox is scrollable and supports the Scrolled() method. I created Tk::HMListbox (a replacement for Tk::SMListbox and Tk::MListbox) in order to add a column of tiny icons in my "jfm4" file manager application. I also felt that such a widget would be useful to others, seeing that nothing other than Tk::HList currently exists for creating a list of selectable images, but which could be used in an existing application that uses Tk::SMListbox or Tk::MListbox. is a very simple file browser for unix/windows. To install, type $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install contains pod documentation.