=pod =encoding utf8 =head2 Text::Levenshtein::Damerau Levenshtein and Damerau Levenshtein edit distances =for HTML =head2 Synopsis use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau; say dld('Neil','Niel'); # damerau levenstein distance # prints 1 say ld('Neil','Niel'); # levenshtein distance prints 2 =head2 Description Returns the true Levenshtein or Damerau Levenshtein edit distance of strings with adjacent transpositions. use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau; my @names = 'John','Jonathan','Jose','Juan','Jimmy'; my $name_mispelling = 'Jonh'; my $dl = Text::Levenshtein::Damerau.new( max => 0, # default targets => @names, # required sources => [$name_mispelling] ); say "Lets search for a 'John' but mistyped..."; my %results = $dl.get_results; # Display each source, target, and the distance for %results.kv -> $source, $targets { for $targets.kv -> $target, $dld { say "source:$source\ttarget:$target\tdld:" ~ ($dld // ""); } } # More info say "----------------------------"; say "\$dl.best_distance: {$dl.best_distance}"; say "-"; say "\$dl.targets: {~$dl.targets}"; say "\$dl.best_target: {$dl.best_target}"; say "-"; say "\@names: {~@names}"; =head3 Routines =over 8 =item * C Damerau Levenshtein Distance (Levenshtein Distance including transpositions) Arguments: $source, $target, $max? I<$max distance. 0 = unlimited. Default = 0> Returns: int that represents the edit distance between the two argument. Stops calculations and returns Int if max distance is set and reached if possible. use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau; say dld('AABBCC','AABCBCD'); # prints 2 # Max edit distance of 1 say dld('AABBCC','AABCBCD',1); # distance is 2 # prints Int =item * C Levenshtein Distance (no transpositions) Arguments: $source, $target, $max? I<$max distance. 0 = unlimited. Default = 0> Returns: Int that represents edit distance between the two argument. Stops calculations and returns Int if max distance is set and reached if possible. use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau; say ld('AABBCC','AABCBCD'); # prints 3 # Max edit distance of 1 # Uses regular Levenshtein distance (no transpositions) say ld('AABBCC','AABCBCD',1); # distance is 3 # prints Int =back =head3 Methods =over 8 =item * C Damerau Levenshtein Distance (Levenshtein Distance including transpositions) Arguments: \@sources, \@targets, $max? I<$max distance. 0 = unlimited. Default = 0> Create a new object. For now, this is so you may call C on it. =item * C Generates %results and sets the following attributes: $.best_distance $.best_target $.best_source if @.sources.elems > 1 %.results # %results{$source}{$target} = $distance_result Returns: %.results =back =head3 Bugs Please report bugs to: L =head3 Author Nick Logan L =cut