For installation you need a installed perl5. I used perl5.001n and perl5.002. Also you need the freeWAIS-sf-2.0 distribution with patchlevel >= 46. For compilation the source directory of freeWAIS-sf is used. For the tests the test database in the freeWAIS-sf source directory is used. So recreate it if you cleaned there. Untar the waisperl tarfile outside the perl source tree. Then, you have to edit Makefile.PL and customize it with the name of your freeWAIS-sf source directory. 'perl Makefile.PL' will ask you for the directory if you did not do that. (Hopefully, you didn't blow the latter away after compiling freeWAIS-sf. :)) Then run 'perl Makefile.PL'. For building a dynamic extension use make; make test; make install For building a perl with the wais extensions statically linked use make perl; make test_static; See the documentation of MakeMaker for details. Run perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker The standard does not work on SOLARIS. I have included a self-extracting which will serve a replacement for the distributions It uses the socket module to set the parameters. On systems on which works, the replacement it will be some miliseconds faster ;-) 5.002: You must remove the orignal since it will be in the include path before this after installation. 'make install' will ask you if it should be removed. If you are paranoid, run diff on both versions. They are identical besides some socket constants. You can verify them in sockets.h if you want to. 5.001 Installation will overwrite anyway ;-) Trust me ;-) Ulrich Pfeifer