NAME WWW::Facebook::API - Facebook API implementation VERSION This document describes WWW::Facebook::API version 0.3.2 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Facebook::API; my $client = WWW::Facebook::API->new( desktop => 1, throw_errors => 1, parse => 1, ); print "Enter your public API key: "; chomp( my $val = ); $client->api_key($val); print "Enter your API secret: "; chomp($val = ); $client->secret($val); print "Enter your e-mail address: "; chomp(my $email = ); $client->secret($val); print "Enter your password: "; chomp(my $pass = ); my $token = $client->auth->login( email => $email, pass => $pass ); $client->auth->get_session( $token ); use Data::Dumper; my $friends_perl = $client->friends->get; print Dumper $friends_perl; my $notifications_perl = $client->notifications->get; print Dumper $notifications_perl; # Current user's quotes my $quotes_perl = $client->users->get_info( uids => $friends_perl, fields => ['quotes'] ); print Dumper $quotes_perl; $client->auth->logout; DESCRIPTION A Perl implementation of the Facebook API, working off of the canonical Java and PHP implementations. By default it uses JSON::Any to parse the response returned by Facebook's server. There is an option to return the raw response in either XML or JSON (See the "parse" method below). SUBROUTINES/METHODS new Returns a new instance of this class. You are able to pass in any of the attribute method names in WWW::Facebook::API to set its value: my $client = WWW::Facebook::API->new( parse => 1, format => 'JSON', secret => 'application_secret_key', api_key => 'application_key', session_key => 'session_key', session_expires => 'session_expires', session_uid => 'session_uid', desktop => 1, api_version => '1.0', callback => 'callback_url', next => 'next', popup => 'popup', skipcookie => 'skip_cookie', ); $copy = $client->new; NAMESPACE METHODS All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase. auth my $token = $client->auth->create_token; $client->auth->get_session( $token ); You only really need to call $client->auth->get_session. See WWW::Facebook::API::Auth. If you have the desktop attribute set to true and $token isn't passed in, the return value from $client->auth->create_token will be used. If the desktop attribute is set to false and $token isn't passed in, the return value from $client->secret will be used: $client->auth->get_session; canvas See WWW::Facebook::API::Canvas. events events namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Events). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->events->get( uid => 234233, eids => [23,2343,54545] ); $response = $client->events->get_members( eid => 233 ); fbml fbml namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::FBML): All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->fbml->set_ref_handle; $response = $client->fbml->refresh_img_src; $response = $client->fbml->refresh_ref_url; fql fql namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::FQL): $response = $client->fql->query( query => 'FQL query' ); feed feed namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Feed). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->feed->publish_story_to_user( title => 'title', body => 'body', priority => 5, ... ); $response = $client->feed->publish_action_of_user( title => 'title', body => 'body', priority => 7, ... ); friends friends namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Friends). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->friends->get; $response = $client->friends->get_app_users; $response = $client->friends->are_friends( uids => [1,5,7,8], uids2 => [2,3,4]); groups groups namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Groups). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->groups->get_members( gid => 32 ); $response = $client->groups->get( uid => 234324, gids => [2423,334] ); notifications notifications namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Notifications). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->notifications->get; $response = $client->notifications->send( to_ids => [1], markup => 'markup', no_email => 1, ); $response = $client->notifications->send_request( to_ids => [1], type => 'event', content => 'markup', image => 'string', invite => 0, ); photos photos namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Photos). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->photos->add_tag( pid => 2, tag_uid => 3, tag_text => "me", x => 5, y => 6 ); $response = $client->photos->create_album( name => 'fun in the sun', location => 'California', description => "Summer '07", ); $response = $client->photos->get( aid => 2, pids => [4,7,8] ); $response = $client->photos->get_albums( uid => 1, pids => [3,5] ); $response = $client->photos->get_tags( pids => [4,5] ); $response = $client->photos->upload( aid => 5, caption => 'beach', data => 'raw data', ); profile profile namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Profile). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->profile->get_fbml( uid => 3 ); $response = $client->profile->set_fbml( uid => 5, markup => 'markup' ); update update namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Update). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->update->decode_ids( ids => [5,4,3] ); users users namespace of the API (See WWW::Facebook::API::Users). All method names from the Facebook API are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->users->get_info( uids => [12,453,67], fields => ['quotes','activities','books'] ); ATTRIBUTE METHODS These are methods to get/set the object's attributes. api_key The developer's API key. See the Facebook API documentation. api_version Which version to use (default is "1.0", which is the only one supported currently. Corresponds to the argument "v" that is passed in to methods as a parameter. app_path If using the Facebook canvas, the path to your application. For example if your application is at this should be "example". apps_uri The apps uri for Facebook apps. The default is callback The callback URL for your application. See the Facebook API documentation. Just a convenient place holder for the value. debug A boolean set to either true or false, determining if debugging messages should be carped for REST calls. desktop A boolean signifying if the client is being used for a desktop application. See the Facebook API documentation. format('JSON'|'XML') The default format to use if none is supplied with an API method call. Currently available options are XML and JSON. Defaults to JSON. last_call_success A boolean. True if the last call was a success, false otherwise. last_error A string holding the error message of the last failed call to the REST server. next See the Facebook API documentation. Just a convenient place holder for the value. parse(1|0) Defaults to 1. If set to true, the response returned by each method call will be a Perl structure (see each method for the structure it will return). If it is set to 0, the response string from the server will be returned. (The response string is unescaped if the 'desktop' attribute is false). popup See the Facebook API documentation. Just a convenient place holder for the value. secret For a desktop application, this is the secret that is used for calling "auth-"create_token> and "auth-"get_session>. See the Facebook API documentation under Authentication. server_uri The server uri to access the Facebook REST server. Default is ''. See the Facebook API documentation. session_expires The session expire timestamp for the client's user. See the Facebook API documentation. session_key The session key for the client's user. See the Facebook API documentation. session_uid The session's uid for the client's user. See the Facebook API documentation. skipcookie See the Facebook API documentation. Just a convenient place holder for the value. throw_errors A boolean set to either true of false, signifying whether or not log_error should confess when an error is returned from the REST server. ua The LWP::UserAgent agent used to communicate with the REST server. The agent_alias is set initially set to "Perl-WWW-Facebook-API/0.3.2". PUBLIC METHODS call( $method, %args ) The method which other submodules within WWW::Facebook::API use to call the Facebook REST interface. It takes in a string signifying the method to be called (e.g., 'auth.getSession'), and key/value pairs for the parameters to use: $client->call( 'auth.getSession', auth_token => 'b3324235e' ); generate_sig( params => $params_hashref, secret => $secret ) Generates a sig when given a parameters hash reference and a secret key. get_facebook_url Returns the URL to Facebook. You can specifiy a specific network as a parameter. get_add_url( %params) Returns the URL to add your application with the parameters (that are defined) included. If the "next" parameter is passed in, it's escaped. Used for platform applications. get_login_url( %params ) Returns the URL to login to your application with the parameters (that are defined) included. If the "next" parameter is passed in, it's escaped. get_app_url Returns the URL to your application, if using the Facebook canvas. log_string($params_hashref, $response) Pass in the params and the response from a call, and it will make a formatted string out of it showing the parameters used, and the response received. session( uid => $uid, key => $session_key, expires => $session_expires ) Sets the "user", "session_key", and "session_expires" all at once. unescape_string($escaped_string) Returns its parameter with all the escape sequences unescaped. If you're using a web app, this is done automatically to the response. verify_sig( params => $params_hashref, sig => expected_sig ) Checks the signature for a given set of parameters against an expected value. PRIVATE METHODS _add_url_params( %params ) Called by both "get_login_url" and "get_add_url" to process any of their parameters. Prepends the api_key and the version number as parameters and returns the parameter string. _check_values_of($params_hashref) Makes sure all the values of the $params_hashref that need to be set are set. Uses the defaults for those values that are needed and not supplied. _format_params($params_hashref) Format parameters according to Facebook API spec. _post_request( $params_hashref, $secret ) Used by "call" to post the request to the REST server and return the response. _parse($string) Parses the response from a call to the Facebook server to make it a Perl data structure, and returns the result. DIAGNOSTICS " Unable to load JSON module for parsing: %s " JSON::Any was not able to load one of the JSON modules it uses to parse JSON. Please make sure you have one (of the several) JSON modules it can use installed. " Error during REST call: %s " This means that there's most likely an error in the server you are using to communicate to the Facebook REST server. Look at the traceback to determine why an error was thrown. Double-check that "server_uri" is set to the right location. " Cannot create subclass %s: %s " Cannot create the needed subclass method. Contact the developer to report. " Cannot create attribute %s: %s " Cannot create the needed attribute method. Contact the developer to report. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT WWW::Facebook::API requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES version Crypt::SSLeay Digest::MD5 JSON::Any Time::HiRes LWP::UserAgent INCOMPATIBILITIES None. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at . TODO Code coverage and add tests accordingly. AUTHOR David Romano "" LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007, David Romano "". All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENSE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.