This is the README file for the Stem system. Stem is released under the GNU General Public License ( For more information regarding commercial licenses please visit the Stem Systems website at The information below assumes the Stem tarball unpacks into a dir with the name stem-0.NN (where NN is the version number). That directory path will be referred to as $STEM. You can find more text (FAQ, products) on the Stem web site: The technical notes are also on the web site but may be more up to date in the tarball. Stem Installation. The INSTALL file has complete instructions on how to install Stem on your system. There various ways to install it but they are all simple. The main issues are whether you move files into your directories or leave them where the tarball was unpacked. Stem Demonstrations There are 4 Stem demonstration scripts. Read the DEMO file first to learn about their common features and then read the individual DEMO_* files for each one. Manifest README (this file) is in: $STEM/README Stem installation instructions are in: $STEM/INSTALL Stem demonstration script instructions are in: $STEM/DEMO $STEM/DEMO_CHAT $STEM/DEMO_INETD $STEM/DEMO_TAIL is in the tarball (You can also it from CPAN): $STEM/modules/Event-0.77.tar.gz Stem modules are in: $STEM/ $STEM/Stem/ Stem Example Configuration files are in: $STEM/conf/ Stem Executable scripts are in: $STEM/bin/ Technical Design Notes are in: $STEM/Design/ Documentation is in: $STEM/Docs/ The latest FAQ is on the web site ( Stem Cookbook is in: $STEM/Cookbook/ ssfe (split screen front end) is found in the sirc tarball: $STEM/extras/sirc-2.211.tar.gz Test scripts are in: $STEM/test/ Utility scripts are in: $STEM/utils/