NAME SQLite::Abstract - Object oriented wrapper for SQLite2 SYNOPSIS use SQLite::Abstract; my $db = SQLite::Abstract->new("database name"); my $db = SQLite::Abstract->new( { DB => "database name", DSN => "dbi:SQLite2:dbname", TABLE => "tablename", } ); $db->create_table($tablename,<table("tablename"); $db->insert(\@fields, \@data); $db->insert(['name', 'password'], [['user1', 'password1'], ['user2', 'password2']]); $db->update(q/password = 'w0rdpass' where name = 'guest'/); $db->select(q/select name, password from tablename limit 0,2/); $db->select(q/* limit 0,2/); $db->select(q/ALL limit 0,2/); $db->select_name_password(q/limit 0,2/); $db->select_name(q/limit 0,2/); while ( $name = $db->select_name ) { print "$name\n"; } # slurping mode for ( @names = $db->select_name ) { print "name: $_\n"; } while ( $row = $db->select ) { print "name: $row->[1] password: $row->[2]\n"; } $db->count; $db->count(q/where name like 'user%'/); $db->sum(q/where name like '%name'/); $db->delete(q/where password like 'password'/); $db->delete_all(); $db->drop_table; DESCRIPTION SQLite::Abstract is abstract level above DBD::SQLite. This package aims at intuitional SQLite database manipulation. It pretends to be the easiest sql class. METHODS "new" The constructor takes database name which must be existing file. The $dbh attributes can be set through 'attrs' structure with the extended version of the constructor: $sql = SQLite::Abstract->new( { DB => $database, DSN => 'dbi:SQLite2:dbname', attrs => { AutoCommit => 0, PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1, } ); Use either the short version (database name as scalar argument) or anonymous hash with DB and DSN which are mandatory keys: $sql = SQLite::Abstract->new($database); $sql = SQLite::Abstract->new( { DB => $database, DSN => 'dbi:SQLite2:dbname', } ); Returns object if the database connection (SQLite2 DSN by default) is set successfully. SQL Table Methods "table" Accessor and mutator for the default table. This is the table which all methods use by default. $sql->table(); # returns the default table name $sql->table($tablename); # sets and returns the default table name $sq->table = $tablename; "create_table" Creates table. $sql->create_table($tablename, <do(<drop_table(); # drops the default table $sql->drop_table($tablename); Returns true on success. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. SQL Query Methods "insert" Inserts data. Takes array references, the columns and the data to be inserted into these columns. The data array (which must be array of array references) can be given alone in which case each element is expected to have refer to the same number as the columns in the default sql table. Returns the number of affected rows. Returns false unless inserted rows. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. # talbe with two columns: @data = (['col_r11', 'col_r12'], ['col_r21', 'col_r22']) $sql->insert(\@cols, \@data); $sql->insert(\@data); "update" Updates records. Takes sql query. Returns the number of affected rows. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. $sql->update(q/name = 'system' WHERE .../); $sql->update(q/user = '...'/); "delete" Deletes records. Takes sql query. Returns the number of affected rows. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. $sql->delete(q/where id <= 100000/); "delete_all" Implements delete method on all records. $sql->delete_all(); $sql->delete(q/where 1 = 1/); Returns the number of affected rows. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. "select" Implements select query. Returns all results (slurping mode) or one row at a time depending on the context. In list context $dbh "selectall_arrayref" is called which returns array reference with references to each fetched row. In scalar content $dbh "fetchrow_array" is called which returns the next row. Note that each query has its own statement handle. Table columns' names put after the method can generate select methods with the proper sql syntax. @AoA_result = $sql->select('all limit 1,10'); $AR_result = $sql->select('all limit 1,10'); @users = $sql->select_users('limit 1,10'); # all in not AoAref $users = $sql->select_users('limit 1,10'); # single row @AoA_users_fname_lname = $sql->select_users_fname_lname; # all in AoAref @users = $sql->select('SELECT users FROM tablename LIMIT 1,10'); # also possible # list context usage for( $sql->select_username ){ print "username: $_ \n"; } # scalar context usage while( $username = $sql->select_username ){ print "username: $username\n"; } while( $user = $sql->select_fname_lname ){ print "fname: $user->[0] lname: $user->[1]; } Returns array containing array references to each row in list context. In scalar context returns result as string if one column selected, otherwise reference to the row fetched. Returns undef at the end while in scalat context. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. "count" Implements rows counting. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. $sql->count; $sql->count(q/SELECT count(*) FROM tablename/); "sum" Implements "count" method. "do" Calls $dbh "do" method. Useful for *non*-"SELECT" arbitrary statements which will not be executed repeatedly. Returns undef on failure or raises fatal error exception according to $dbh "RaiseError" attribute. Error handling method "err" Returns the last $dbh error message ("errstr"). $sql->do(q/some sql query/); $sql->err and die $sql->err; SEE ALSO DBI DBD::SQLite2 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to AUTHOR Vidul Nikolaev Petrov, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006 by Vidul Nikolaev Petrov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.