# IP::Geolocation::MMDB A Perl module that reads MaxMind DB files and maps IP addresses to location information such as country and city names. use IP::Geolocation::MMDB; my $db = IP::Geolocation::MMDB->new(file => 'Country.mmdb'); my $metadata = $db->metadata; my $data = $db->record_for_address(''); my $country_code = $db->getcc('2620:fe::9'); ## DEPENDENCIES Requires Alien::libmaxminddb from CPAN. Requires Math::BigInt version 1.999806, which is distributed with Perl 5.26 and newer. Requires libmaxminddb 1.2.0 or newer. Requires an IP to country, city or ASN database in the MaxMind DB file format from [MaxMind](https://www.maxmind.com/) or [DP-IP.com](https://db-ip.com/). ## INSTALLATION Run the following commands to install the software: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Type the following command to see the module usage information: perldoc IP::Geolocation::MMDB ## LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2022 Andreas Vögele This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.