=pod =head1 NAME Text::Haml - Haml Perl implementation =head1 SYNOPSIS use Text::Haml; my $haml = Text::Haml->new; my $html = $haml->render('%p foo'); #


$html = $haml->render('%div= $user', user => 'friend'); #
# Use Haml file $html = $haml->render_file('tmpl/index.haml', user => 'friend'); =head1 DESCRIPTION L implements Haml L specification. L passes specification tests written by Norman Clarke http://github.com/norman/haml-spec and supports only cross-language Haml features. Do not expect Ruby specific things to work. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes: =head2 C Holds the string of code that is appended to the generated Perl code. =head2 C Holds the Perl code. =head2 C Holds compiled code. =head2 C $haml->encoding('utf-8'); Default is utf-8. =head2 C Escape subroutine presented as string. Default is $haml->escape(<<'EOF'); my $s = shift; $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s//>/g; $s =~ s/"/"/g; $s =~ s/'/'/g; return $s; EOF =head2 C $haml->escape_html(0); Switch on/off Haml output html escaping. Default is on. =head2 C Holds filters. =head2 C $haml->format('xhtml'); Supported formats: xhtml, html, html5. Default is xhtml. =head2 C Holds the namespace under which the Perl package is generated. =head2 C Holds the string of code that is prepended to the generated Perl code. =head2 C Holds the variables that are passed during the rendering. =head2 C When options is B (by default) passed variables are normal Perl variables and are used with C<$> prefix. $haml->render('%p $var', var => 'hello'); When this option is B passed variables are Perl lvalue subroutines and are used without C<$> prefix. $haml->render('%p var', var => 'hello'); But if you declare Perl variable in a block, it must be used with C<$> prefix. $haml->render('< helpers => { foo => sub { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; $string =~ s/r/z/; return $string; } } Holds helpers subroutines. Helpers can be called in Haml text as normal Perl functions. See also add_helper. =head2 C $haml->helpers_args($my_context); First argument passed to the helper (L instance by default). =head2 C $haml->error; Holds the last error. =head2 C Holds parsed haml elements. =head2 C Holds path of Haml templates. Current directory is a default. If you want to set several paths, arrayref can also be set up. This way is the same as L. =head2 C Holds cache level of Haml templates. 1 is a default. 0 means "Not cached", 1 means "Checked template mtime" and 2 means "Used always cached". This way is the same as L. =head2 C Holds cache directory of Haml templates. $ENV{HOME}/.text_haml_cache is a default. Unless $ENV{HOME}, File::Spec->tempdir was used. This way is the same as L. =head1 METHODS =head2 C my $haml = Text::Haml->new; =head2 C $haml->add_helper(current_time => sub { time }); Adds a new helper. =head2 C $haml->add_filter(compress => sub { $_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g; $_[0]}); Adds a new filter. =head2 C $haml->build(@_); Builds the Perl code. =head2 C $haml->compile; Compiles parsed code. =head2 C $haml->interpret(@_); Interprets compiled code. =head2 C $haml->parse('%p foo'); Parses Haml string building a tree. =head2 C my $text = $haml->render('%p foo'); my $text = $haml->render('%p var', var => 'hello'); Renders Haml string. Returns undef on error. See error attribute. =head2 C my $text = $haml->render_file('foo.haml', var => 'hello'); A helper method that loads a file and passes it to the render method. Since "%____vars" is used internally, you cannot use this as parameter name. =head1 COOKBOOK =head2 How to map __DATA__ sections to the include path Use Data::Section::Simple, and the path option of new(), which accepts HASH references which contain $file_name => $content mapping. use Text::Haml; use Data::Section::Simple; my $vpath = Data::Section::Simple->new()->get_data_section(); my $haml = Text::Haml->new( path => [$vpath], ); print $haml->render_file('header.haml', user => 'friend'); __DATA__ @@ header.haml %header hello #{$user} %p test This way is the same as L. =head1 PERL SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES =head2 String interpolation Despite of existing string interpolation in Perl, Ruby interpolation is also supported. $haml->render('%p Hello #{user}', user => 'foo') =head2 Hash keys When declaring tag attributes C<:> symbol can be used. $haml->render("%a{:href => 'bar'}"); Perl-style is supported but not recommented, since your Haml template won't work with Ruby Haml implementation parser. $haml->render("%a{href => 'bar'}"); =head1 DEVELOPMENT =head2 Repository http://github.com/vti/text-haml =head1 AUTHOR Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, C. =head1 CREDITS In alphabetical order: Nick Ragouzis Norman Clarke Wanradt Koell =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009-2012, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =cut