Bank Of Ireland and MBNA Ireland (actually MBNA Europe) online banking access, based on existing Finance::Banking interface. Finance::Bank::IE::BankOfIreland supports check_balance, account_details and funds_transfer methods. Finance::Bank::IE::MBNA supports the check_balance method. MBNA check_balance takes a username & password. BoI check_balance takes a hash containing user => username, pin => 6-digit PIN, contact => last four digits of contact number, dob => date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format. check_balance for both returns the account number, the currency, and the balance, since that's all I get to work with from the websites. Also, the account numbers are only partial. MBNA account info also includes a 'minimum due' field, currently ripped straight off the page and stashed in $_->{min} in the form " due by ". funds_transfer takes a "from" account, a "to" account, and an amount. The account parameters can either be a Finance::Bank::IE::Account object or an account nickname. Per BoI's site, the destination account can also be a previously-registered account number for third-party payments. The function returns the receipt page.