Elive is a set of Perl modules for scripting management and integration of Elluminate Live! virtual classroom servers. You can, for example, use it to query or add users, create sessions, assign users as class participants and change server settings. This package has been tested against Elluminate Live! versions 9.0 - 9.7. You will need to be able to login in to your SOAP service using an Elluminate system administrator level account. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ELLUMINATE CONFIGURATION If you are running Elm 3.0 / Elluminate 9.5 or higher, you will need to grant access to SDK users in the Elluminate configuration. Firstly stop all Elluminate services. Then you'll need to edit the configuration.xml for each site instance. Under Linux, the configuration can be found under: /opt/ElluminateLive/manager/tomcat/webapps or under Windows: C:/Program Files/ElluminateLive/manager/tomcat/webapps The actual configuration is then in the sub-path: ROOT/WEB-INF/resources/configuration.xml or for any additional sites built with the instance manager: mysite/WEB-INF/resources/configuration.xml Edit the file and add a user entry to the security section: ... ... ... ... TESTING There are additional live tests in t/2?-soap-*.t. By default, these either skipped or run offline. These may be run against a live server by setting up the environment variables, an running tests, as shown below: perl Makefile.PL make export ELIVE_TEST_URL=http://some_server.com/some_test_instance export ELIVE_TEST_USER=some_admin_user export ELIVE_TEST_PASS=some_password make test WARNING: These tests will both create and delete various entities instances. For this reason you should avoid running tests on production sites. Please restrict your testing to designated development and test sites, or newly created site instances! POST INSTALLATION The elive_query script can be used to check basic access to your Elluminate server(s). % elive_query --user admin_user http://myserver/mysite Where admin_user is an Elluminate system administrator account. You will need to enter a password. You should then get: connecting to http://myserver/mysite...done Elive query 0.nn (Elluminate Live 9.x.y) - type 'help' for help elive> You can then try a simple query: elive> select * from users See also elive_raise_meeting. This is a utility script that creates Elluminate meetings. % elive_raise_meeting --user admin_user http://myserver/mysite -name 'Test' TROUBLESHOOTING If you you get the message 'Unable to determine a command for the key Xxxxx' during testing and/or general usage, then some of the adapters may be missing from your Elluminate configuration. You can use the installed script elive_lint_config to check for missing adapaters. % cd /opt/ElluminateLive/manager/tomcat/webapps % elive_lint_config WEB-INF/resources/configuration.xml missing adapter command: getUser missing adapter command: deletePreload missing adapter command: listPreloads The adapters can be added to your configuration file. For example, if elive_lint_config returned the error: "missing adapter command: getUser" You'll need to first stop Elluminate services. Save a backup copy of configuration.xml Then you can add an adapter entry can be added to the list of adapters. E.g., to add the getUser adapter: ... ... SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION See the Elluminate Live documentation. In particular, this package follows the entities and relationships described in DatabaseSchema.pdf. You will find a copy on the installation disk; or if you have access to the server, you will will typically find this in /opt/Elluminate/documentation. After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Elive You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Elive AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/dist/Elive CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Elive Search CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Elive/ COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2009-2010 David Warring This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.