# DESCRIPTION Query the KvK API via their OpenAPI definition. # SYNOPSIS use WebService::KvKAPI; my $api = WebService::KvKAPI->new( api_key => 'foobar', # optional api_host => 'foo.bar', # send the request to a different host spoof => 1, # enable spoof mode, uses the test api of the KvK ); $api->search(%args); $api->get_location_profile($location_number); $api->get_basic_profile($kvk_number); $api->get_owner($kvk_number); $api->get_main_location($kvk_number); $api->get_locations($kvk_number); # ATTRIBUTES ## api\_key The KvK API key. You can request one at [https://developers.kvk.nl/](https://developers.kvk.nl/). ## client An [OpenAPI::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/OpenAPI%3A%3AClient) object. Build for you. ## api\_host Optional API host to allow overriding the default host `api.kvk.nl`. # METHODS ## has\_api\_host Check if you have an API host set or if you use the default. Publicly available for those who need it. ## profile Retreive detailed information of one company. Dies when the company cannot be found. Make sure to call ["search" in WebService::KvKAPI](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService%3A%3AKvKAPI#search) first in case you don't want to die. ## search Search the KVK, only retrieves the first 10 entries. my $results = $self->search(kvkNumber => 12345678, ...); foreach (@$results) { ...; } # SSL certificates The KvK now uses private root certificates, please be aware of this, see also: L. # SEE ALSO The KvK also has test endpoints. While they are supported via the direct `api_call` method, you can instantiate a model that works only in spoofmode: [WebService::KvKAPI::Spoof](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService%3A%3AKvKAPI%3A%3ASpoof)