==== OVERVIEW ==== The Regexp::Common::debian is collection of REs for various strings found in the Debian Porject . It's no way intended to be a validation tool. Right now (before first release) I can't decide what version of Perl is needed. I should admit though, I'll do my best to support perl distributed with ``stable'' release of Debian GNU/Linux (at time of writing it is ``v5.8.8''). And I'll try hard to support perl in ``oldstable'' (``v5.8.4''). ==== INSTALL ==== The R::C::d is distributed with Module::Build. $ perl Build.PL $ perl Build $ perl Build test $ perl Build install Since we're about strings we need a lots of strings to test against (Test::More, unspecified version). To access them easily (it's all about reuse, not implemented yet) I need an apropriate storage. Accidentally it's YAML::Tiny (unspecified version). If any test string fails I need to know what and how. To provide that info I've picked Test::Differences (maybe there's other option I'm not aware of?). (Surely I could go one of fail-proof ways described in T::D pod; and what if something goes wrong? let's no play stupid hope -- I must know what happened.) That yeilds a big problem. T::D has two (actually one) open bugs -- and -- at time of writing they are still open, no maintainer responce, patch is provided. Some test strings of R::C::d give ``undef'' as predicted result. That will provide a lots of "use of undef" warnings (really, a lots of). And as a matter of fact, T::D will be somewhat useles -- forgive me, let me figure out version relations first. ==== AVAILABILITY ==== #FIXME: think http://cpan.org #FIXME: think http://sourceforge.net ==== BUGS ==== #FIXME: think http://rt.cpan.org ==== COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING ==== : * Copyright 2008 Eric Pozharski : * AS-IS, NO-WARRANTY, HOPE-TO-BE-USEFUL : * Lesser General Public License v3