Number::Format - Convert numbers to strings with pretty formatting Version: 1.61 WHAT IS IT Number::Format is a library for formatting numbers. Functions are provided for converting numbers to strings in a variety of ways, and to convert strings that contain numbers back into numeric form. The output formats may include thousands separators - characters inserted between each group of three characters counting right to left from the decimal point. The characters used for the decimal point and the thousands separator come from the locale information or can be specified by the user. Also of note is the format_picture command which converts a number into a string using a "picture" string that you provide. This is similar to the PRINT USING statement that some versions of BASIC have. In addition, functions exist to generate strings for numbers containing currency (e.g. "USD 9.99", "DEM 20.00", etc.) or for rounding large values of bytes to the nearest giga/mega/kilo (e.g. "1.5M", "640K", etc.). ALSO AVAILABLE The following are also available as part of the number-format Sourceforge project: - Template Toolkit users: Use Template::Plugin::Number::Format (contributed by Darren Chamberlain) from your templates. - JavaScript users: we also have a JavaScript translation of the Number::Format done by Cees Hek. Find that in our CVS repository here: HOW TO GET Download it from your favorite CPAN mirror, or from the Sourceforge project: If you are interested in being a developer for this project, or for more information, please contact William R. Ward, (remove "SPAM" before sending email, leaving only my initials). BUILDING/INSTALLING Perl version 5.8 or higher is required, though it may work on older versions if you edit the 'require 5.008' line. This package is set up to configure and build like a typical Perl extension. To build: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install NOTE: This installs the files in your core Perl module area, typically /usr/local/lib/perl on Unix/Linux and C:\PERL\LIB on Windows, so you may need super-user (root/administrator) access to install. If you wish to install in a private area, such as your home directory, specify that as "perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/path/to/private/area" and it will be installed there instead. PROBLEMS/BUG REPORTS Please submit your issues via the CPAN RT bug tracker or the Sourceforge bug system: Please check for existing bug reports on your issue in both places before filing a new bug. MAILING LIST We have an electronic mailing list for announcements of new releases of this module. If you wish to join this list, visit this URL: We also have a mailing list for developers which you may join if you are interested in contributing to the project: We do not yet have any list for users of the module; if you would like one, let us know and we will look into it. There are also forums available on the SourceForge site: CREDITS AND LICENSES This package is copyright 1997-2008 by William R. Ward et al., and may be distributed under the same terms as cover Perl itself (your choice of Artistic or GPL). See for more information. RECENT CHANGES Changes for version 1.61 (Dec 29, 2008) ------------------------ - Fix bugs in locale operations for format_price (thanks Moritz Onken) - Fix documentation in format_bytes (rt # 42036) - Enable warning when format_bytes called with numeric precision not hash Changes for version 1.60 (Jul 2, 2008) ------------------------ - Rewrite new() and format_price() to use mon_* POSIX Locale values - Add all missing POSIX Locale variables (Thanks to Kevin Ryde for help identifying the problem) See the file "CHANGES" for more details and previous changes. You can also browse the CVS history on SourceForge for full details.