Astro::SpaceTrack version 0.001 This library logs in to the Space Track web site and downloads orbital elements. It does nothing that you can't do with a web browser, but it does give you a way to automate things. Note that you are required to register for a username and password before making use of the Space Track web site. FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS THE REDISTRIBUTION OF DOWNLOADED ORBITAL ELEMENTS TO THIRD PARTIES. At some point along its career, this module has been seen to work under the following operating systems (or, more correctly, values of $^O): cygwin, darwin, MacOS, MSWin32, and VMS. This module is installable by the usual incantation: gunzip Astro-SpaceTrack-9.999.tar.gz tar -xf Astro-SpaceTrack-9.999.tar perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You should substitute the appropriate program name for 'make', eg nmake (typically) under MSWin32, or mms or mmk under VMS. Note that once you have done the "make" step you can play with either of the two specimen applications provided ( for a command-line version, or for the Perl/Tk windowed version). If you want to do this before installing, you need to invoke them as (e.g.) $ perl -Mblib Under VMS, you'll need to quote the -M thus: $ perl "-Mblib" Of course, since it's pure Perl, you can just expand the kit and drop and the SpaceTrack folder into the Astro directory (creating it if necessary) in the appropriate place in your @INC directories. Tom Wyant