Astro-Coord-ECI This package implements the NORAD orbital propagation models described in their "SPACETRACK REPORT NO. 3, Models for Propagation of NORAD Element Sets," plus various support classes. In other words, it turns the two- or three-line element sets available from such places as or into predictions of where the relevant orbiting bodies will be. The package also includes a script, "satpass", which uses the classes to implement a satellite visibility prediction system. This package is installable by the usual incantation: gunzip Astro-Coord-ECI-9.999.tar.gz tar -xf Astro-Coord-ECI-9.999.tar perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You should substitute the appropriate program name for 'make', eg nmake (typically) under MSWin32, or mms or mmk under VMS. Of course, since it's pure Perl, you can just expand the kit and drop the .pm files into the Astro/Coord/ECI directory (creating it if necessary) in the appropriate place in your @INC directories. Tom Wyant