Win32API::File::Time This package exposes the Windows file creation time for access and modification. It also allows the access, update, and creation times to be modified even if the file is open, or read-only. In fact, the porting of functionality from a system where the Perl utime build-in would change the date of an open file (VMS) to one where it wouldn't (MSWin32) was the motivation for the module. This module exports nothing by default, but is capable of exporting the following subroutines: GetFileTime and SetFileTime (to get and set all file times) utime (to override the built-in). Unlike the Microsoft Kernel32 subroutines of the same name, these take a file name (not a handle), and work in terms of Perl times, not Microsoft file times. Specifically: ($atime, $mtime, $ctime) = GetFileTime ($filename); SetFileTime ($filename, $atime, $mtime, $ctime) or die $^E; This module has the following prerequisites: Time::Local Win32::API Win32API::File INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------ ------------ CPAN kit: expand the kit using GZip and TAR (or equivalent). Then issue the standard commands: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install Note that the "test" step is optional, but recommended. See for a copy of nmake if you need it. PPM kit: Expand the kit using unzip (or equivalent). Then ppm install Win32API-File-Time.ppd If all else fails: Get the .pm files from your kit by whatever means you can, and drop them in /site/lib/Win32/Process (or wherever ...). COPYRIGHT NOTICE --------- ------ Copyright 2004, 2005 by E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can use it, redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.