NAME Test::Version - Check to see that version's in modules are sane VERSION version 0.07 SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Test::Version; # test blib or lib by default version_all_ok(); done_testing; DESCRIPTION This module's goal is to be a one stop shop for checking to see that your versions across your dist are sane. Current feature list: module has a version Tests to insure that all modules checked have a VERSION defined, Can replace Test::HasVersion module has a valid version Tests to insure that all versions are valid, according to the rules of version method "is_lax". To quote: *The lax criteria corresponds to what is currently allowed by the version parser. All of the following formats are acceptable for dotted-decimal formats strings:* v1.2 1.2345.6 v1.23_4 1.2345 1.2345_01 METHODS "version_ok( $filename, [ $name ] );" Test a single ".pm" file by passing a path to the function. Checks if the module has a version, and that it is valid with "is_lax". Returns the following diagnostics NO_FILE: $file $file either not defined or doesn't exist NO_VERSION: $file No version was found to exist in $file NOT_VALID: $file $version $version in $file is not "lax" "version_all_ok( [ $directory, [ $name ]] );" Test all modules in a directory with "version_ok". By default it will check "blib" or "lib" if you haven't passed it a directory. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Will not test Perl 5.12 "package" version declarations because Module::Extract::VERSION can't extract them yet. SEE ALSO The goal is to have the functionality of all of these. Test::HasVersion Test::ConsistentVersion Test::GreaterVersion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to particle for the original "Test::Version" and letting me maintain it further. AUTHORS * Caleb Cushing * Mike Doherty COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Caleb Cushing. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)