# Dancer2 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/PerlDancer/Dancer2.png?branch=devel)](https://travis-ci.org/PerlDancer/Dancer2) Dancer2 is the new generation lightweight web-framework for Perl. It's a complete rewrite of Dancer based on Moo. Yes, you can use Dancer2 in production. It works. You can get more information about the Dancer project on the website: [`http://perldancer.org`](http://perldancer.org). ## Examples An application can be as simple as this simple hello world script: ```perl use Dancer2; get '/' => sub { "Hello World" }; dance; ``` ## External resources * [Most recent release on CPAN](https://metacpan.org/release/Dancer2) * [Builds status on Travis](https://travis-ci.org/PerlDancer/Dancer2) * [Follow us on Twitter](https://twitter.com/perldancer) * [Find us on IRC](irc://irc.perl.org/#dancer) * [The Advent Calendar](http://advent.perldancer.org/)