NAME POE::Component::OpenSSH - Nonblocking SSH Component for POE using Net::OpenSSH VERSION Version 0.03 SYNOPSIS Need nonblocking SSH? You like Net::OpenSSH? Try out this stuff right here. use POE::Component::OpenSSH; my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ $host, user => $user ] ); $ssh->obj->system( { event => 'read_system_output' }, 'w' ); Perhaps you want it with debugging and verbose of POE::Component::Generic my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ 'root@host', passwd => $pass ], verbose => 1, # turns on POE::Component::Generic verbose debug => 1, # turns on POE::Component::Generic debug ); What about setting timeout for Net::OpenSSH? my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ 'root@host', passwd => $pass, timeout => 10 ], ); Here is an example using MooseX::POE: (If you know , you can use that too) package Runner; use MooseX::POE; has 'host' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'localhost' ); has 'user' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'root' ); has 'pass' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'psss' ); has 'cmd' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'w' ); sub START { my $self = $_[OBJECT]; my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ $self->host, user => $self->user, passwd => $self->passwd, ], ); # remember, $ssh is just POE::Component::OpenSSH # you want the Net::OpenSSH object (or psuedo-object) $ssh->obj->capture( { event => 'parse_cmd' }, $cmd ); } event 'parse_cmd' => sub { my ( $self, $output ) @_[ OBJECT, ARG1 ]; my $host = $self->host; print "[$host]: $output"; }; package main; use POE::Kernel; my @machines = ( qw( server1 server2 server3 ) ); foreach my $machine (@machines) { Runner->new( host => $machine, pass => 'my_super_pass', cmd => 'uname -a', ); } POE::Kernel->run(); DESCRIPTION This module allows you to use SSH (via Net::OpenSSH) in a nonblocking manner. I kept having to write this small thing each time I needed nonblocking SSH in a project. I got tired of it so I wrote this instead. You might ask 'why put the args in an "args" attribute instead of straight away attributes?' Because Net::OpenSSH has a lot of options and they may collide with POE::Component::Generic's options and I don't feel like maintaining the mess. It's on Github so you can patch it up if you want (I accept patches... and foodstamps). METHODS new Creates a new POE::Component::OpenSSH object. If you want to access the Net::OpenSSH check *obj* below. You should note this object is simply a component, you're still required to put it in a POE::Session. The examples use MooseX::POE which does the same thing. obj This method access the actual Net::OpenSSH object. It is wrapped with POE::Component::Generic, so the first argument is actually a hashref that POE::Component::Generic requires. Specifically, noting which event will handle the return of the Net::OpenSSH method. For example: $ssh->obj->capture( { event => 'handle_capture' }, 'echo yo yo' ); args These are the arguments that will go to Net::OpenSSH creation. This is an arrayref. For example: # using user@host my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ 'root@remote_host' ] ); # using separate arguments my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ 'remote_host, user => 'root' ] ); # same thing, just with pass, and writing it nicer my $ssh = POE::Component::OpenSSH->new( args => [ 'remote_host', user => 'root', passwd => $pass, ], ); AUTHOR Sawyer X, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-poe-component-openssh at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. Also available is the Github's issue tracker at . SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc POE::Component::OpenSSH You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * Github issue tracker * Github page * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN SEE ALSO If you have no idea what I'm doing (but you generally know what POE is), check these stuff: POE::Component::Generic Net::OpenSSH If you don't know POE at all, check POE. DEPENDENCIES Net::OpenSSH POE POE::Component::Generic Moose ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All the people involved in the aforementioned projects and the Perl community. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Sawyer X, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.