NAME Test::Ping - Testing pings using Net::Ping VERSION Version 0.06 SYNOPSIS This module helps test pings using Net::Ping use Test::More tests => 1; use Test::Ping; my $good_host = ''; my $bad_host = '; ping_ok( $good_host, "able to ping $good_host" ); ping_not_ok( $bad_host, "can't ping $bad_host" ); ... SUBROUTINES/METHODS ping_ok( $host, $test ) Checks if a host replies to ping correctly. ping_not_ok( $host, $test ) Does the exact opposite of ping_ok(). EXPORT ping_ok ping_not_ok SUPPORTED VARIABLES Only variables which have tests would be noted as supported. Tests is actually what I'm working on right now. PROTO Warning: setting this will reset the object and everything it's using back to defaults. Why? Because that's how it works, and I don't intend to bypass it - if at all - until a much later stage. TIMEOUT Warning: setting this will reset the object and everything it's using back to defaults. Why? Because that's how it works, and I don't intend to bypass it - if at all - until a much later stage. INTEND-TO-SUPPORT VARIABLES These are variables I intend to support, so stay tuned or just send a patch. SOURCE_VERIFY SERVICE_CHECK TCP_SERVICE_CHECK DISABLED TILL FURTHER NOTICE VARIABLES PORT BIND INTERNAL METHODS _has_var_ok( $var_name, $var_value, $description ) Gets a variable name to test, what to test against and the name of the test. Runs an actual test using Test::Builder. This is used to debug the actual module, if you wanna make sure it works. use Test::More tests => 1; use Test::Ping; # Test::Ping calls the protocol variable 'PROTO', # but Net::Ping calls it internally (in the hash) 'proto' # this is checking against Net::Ping specifically $Test::Ping::PROTO = 'icmp'; _has_var_ok( 'proto', 'icmp', 'Net::Ping has correct protocol variable' ) _ping_object When debugging behavior, fetching an internal object from a producedural module can be a bit difficult (especially when it has base inheritence with another one). This method allows you (or me) to fetch the actual Net::Ping object from Test::Ping. It eases testing and assurance. This is used by the Tie functions to set the variables for the object for you. AUTHOR Sawyer X, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-test-ping at", or through the web interface at . There is also a GitHub issue tracker at which I'll probably check just as much. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Test::Ping If you have Git, this is the clone path: You can also look for information at: * GitHub Website: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to everyone who works and contributed to Net::Ping. This module depends solely on it. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Sawyer X, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.