#**Tinder::API** ##Briefly ####Unofficial internal Tinder's API calls. ##Synopsis ``` perl my $API= new Tinder::API('facebookAuthToken',"Id"); ``` ##Description **This** module was orginally the first Perl library to interract with **Tinder** app. As you may know, Tinder uses a series of non encrypted **API** calls in order to make the client-server possible. Those calls are greatly documented in [this](https://gist.github.com/rtt/10403467) repo. You can use Fiddler , install the trust certificate on your mobile device and use your Fiddler sniffer as a proxy for all traffic. Then you will get more or less the same pattern as the repo above. In the current library, I aim to provide an easy access to the calls. Please note that you will need a **Facebook** Authentication Token for **Tinder::API** to work! You can get it by going on [this link](https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=464891386855067&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html&scope=basic_info,email,public_profile,user_about_me,user_activities,user_birthday,user_education_history,user_friends,user_interests,user_likes,user_location,user_photos,user_relationship_details&response_type=token). ##Subroutines ####new Returns a new Tinder::API object 1. `_facebookAuthToken` : The Facebook Authentication Token for Tinder app. Check in the description on how to get it. 2. `_Id` : A Facebook Id associated with the token. ####auth Takes a `facebookAuthToken` and a corresponding Id and returns a Tinder `X-Auth-Token`. ` my XAUTHTOKEN=$API->auth() ` Please note that this is an internal method and is already called in the constructor `new`. ####relocate Takes two coordinates (`lat,long`) and updates your coordinates on Tinder. `$API->relocate(0.00000,0.00000) ` **NOTE** Sometimes Tinder spits out *Not significant change* for your location. This means in most cases that you have to feed it a pair with more distance to the old coordinates. ####getRecs Returns a list of recommendations from Tinder. ` my $response=$API->getRecs()` ####getUser Takes a TinderId of a user (valid) and returns all information about him/her. ` my $reponse=$API->getUser($id)` ####sendMessage Takes a TinderId of a user (valid) and the body of a message, and sends the message to the give TinderId. ` $API->sendMessage($id,$message)` ####getUpdates Returns a list of Tinder updates. `my $reponse=$API->getUpdates()` ####likeOrPass Takes a TinderId of a user (valid) and a decision (like or pass him/her). `$API->likeOrPass($id,$decision)` ##License Distributed according to GNU GPL and CPAN Terms and Conditions. You may re-use and publish the code, but you have to mention the original AUTHOR and CPAN repo. You may NOT sell this module. ##Author **ArtificialBreeze** **Site:** [Web](http://xoreaxeax.me) **GitHub:** [GitHub](http://github.com/ArtificialBreeze) **CPAN:** [CPAN](https://metacpan.org/author/xxgh0stxx) ##See Also `perlpod, perlpodspec, LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request `