This archive contains the distribution Types-DBIx-Class, version 1.000001: Types::Tiny for DBIx::Class objects It provides type checking for various DBIx::Class objects "Schema", "Rows", "ResultSet", and "ResultSource", and allows parameterizing those types where it makes sense to do so. It can be used standalone, or with Moo, Mouse, or Moose for "isa" attribute type checking. It is pure perl, and depends on only Type::Tiny (which is part of Moo, but does not require Moo), Sub::Quote, and DBIx::Class. The "authoring build" uses Module::Build::Tiny and "mbtiny". The author writes the dependencies in "cpanfile", and metadata in "metamerge.yml". Then "mbtiny dist" generates the MANIFEST, Build.PL, META.json, and META.yml files and builds the tarball. This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Yary Hluchan. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. Peace and long life.