# NAME Nephia - Mini WAF # SYNOPSIS ### Get started the Nephia! $ nephia-setup MyApp ### And, plackup it! $ cd myapp $ plackup # DESCRIPTION Nephia is a mini web-application framework. __This software is still alpha quality. Its API may change without notice.__ # MOUNT A CONTROLLER Use "path" function as following in lib/MyApp.pm . First argument is path for mount a controller. This must be string. Second argument is controller-logic. This must be code-reference. In controller-logic, you may get Plack::Request object as first-argument, and controller-logic must return response-value as hash-reference or Nephia::Response object. ## Basic controller - Makes JSON response Look this examples. path '/foobar' => sub { my ( $req ) = @_; # Yet another syntax is following. # my $req = req; return { name => 'MyApp', query => param('q'), }; }; This controller outputs response-value as JSON, and will be mounted on "/foobar". ## Use templates - Render with Text::MicroTemplate path '/' => sub { return { template => 'index.html', title => 'Welcome to my homepage!', }; }; Attention to "template" attribute. If you specified it, controller searches template file from view-directory and render it. If you use multibyte-string in response, please remember `use utf8` and, you may specify character-set as like as following. use utf8; ### <- very important path '/' => sub { return { template => 'mytemplate.tx', title => 'わたしのホォムペェジへよおこそ!', charset => 'Shift_JIS', }; }; If you not specified `charset`, it will be 'UTF-8'. ## Makes response - Using "res" function path '/my-javascript' => sub { return res { content_type( 'text/javascript' ); body( 'alert("Oreore!");' ); }; }; "res" function returns Nephia::Response object with some DSL. You may specify code-reference that's passed to res() returns some value. These values are passed into arrayref that is as plack response. path '/some/path' => sub { res { ( 200, ['text/html; charset=utf8'], ['Wooootheee!!!'] ) }; }; And, you can write like following. path '/cond/sample' => sub { return res { 404 } unless param('q'); return res { ( 200, [], ['you say '. param('q')] ) }; }; Commands supported in "res" function are following. - status - headers - header - body - content\_type - content\_length - content\_encoding - redirect - cookies Please see Plack::Response's documentation for more detail. ## Limitation by request method - Using (get|post|put|del) function ### catch request that contains get-method get '/foo' => sub { ... }; ### post-method is following too. post '/bar' => sub { ... }; ### put-method and delete-method are too. put '/baz' => sub { ... }; del '/hoge' => sub { ... }; ## How to use routing with Router::Simple style matching-pattern and capture it - Using path\_param function post '/item/{id:[0-9]+}' => sub { my $item_id = path_param->{id}; # get param named "id" from path ... }; ## Submapping to other applications that use Nephia It's easy. Call "path" function by package instead of a coderef. package MyApp; use Nephia; path '/childapp' => 'ChildApp'; in MyApp/ChildApp.pm: package MyApp::ChildApp; use Nephia; get '/message' => sub { message => 'this is child app!' }; This controller mapped to "/childapp/message". Can use "+" prefix in package name. This syntax feature is to use absolute package name. Example: package MyApp; path '/otherapp' => '+OtherApp'; "/otherapp" connect to "OtherApp". Support to multiple path to SubApp. Example: package MyApp; path '/subapp1' => 'SubApp'; path '/subapp2' => 'SubApp'; The MyApp::SubApp connected to "/subapp1" and "/subapp2". ## Using Cookie If you want to set cookie, use "set\_cookie" command. path '/somepath' => sub { set_cookie cookiename => 'cookievalue'; return +{ ... }; }; And, getting a cookie value, use "cookie" command. path '/anypath' => sub { my $cookie_value = cookie 'cookiename'; return +{ ... }; }; # USING CONFIG First, see app.psgi that generated by `nephia-setup`. use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib ("$FindBin::Bin/lib", "$FindBin::Bin/extlib/lib/perl5"); use MyApp; MyApp->run; You may define config with run method as like as following. MyApp->run( attr1 => 'value', logpath => '/path/to/log', ... ); And, you can access to these config in your application as following. path '/foo/bar' => sub { my $config = config; }; # STATIC CONTENTS ( like as image, javascript ... ) You can look static-files that is into root directory via HTTP. # PLUGINS You may use plugins for Nephia. See [Nephia::Plugin](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Nephia::Plugin) for more detail about plugin. # FUNCTIONS ## path $path, $coderef\_as\_controller; Mount controller on specified path. ## get post put del Usage equal as path(). But these functions specifies limitation for HTTP request-method. ## req Return Plack::Request object. You can call this function in code-reference that is argument of path(). ## res $coderef Return Nephia::Response object with some DSL. ## param Return query-parameters that contains in path as hashref. (As like as "req->parameters") ## param $param\_name Return specified query-parameter. (As like as "req->param($param\_name)") ## path\_param Return parameters as hashref that captured by Router::Simple. ## path\_param $keyname Return specified parameter that captured by Router::Simple. ## nip / nip $keyname Alias for path\_param. NOTE: Need more clever name for this function. ## config Return config as hashref. ## base\_dir Return the absolute path to root of application. ## cookie $cookie\_name Get specified cookie value. ## set\_cookie $cookie\_name => $cookie\_value Set value into specified cookie. ## nephia\_plugins @plugins Load specified Nephia plugins. # AUTHOR `ytnobody` `ichigotake` `papix` and Nephia contributors, hachioji.pm # SEE ALSO Plack::Request Plack::Response Plack::Builder Text::MicroTemplate JSON # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.