# NAME Nephia::Plugin::ResponseHandler - A plugin for Nephia that provides response-handling feature # SYNOPSIS use Nephia plugins => [ 'JSON', 'View::MicroTemplate' => {...}, 'ResponseHandler' ]; ### now you can as following ... app { my $type = param('type'); $type eq 'json' ? +{foo => 'bar'} : $type eq 'html' ? +{foo => 'bar', template => 'index.html'} : $type eq 'str' ? 'foo = bar' : [200, [], 'foo = bar'] ; }; ### or you may sepcify your original handler use Nephia plugins => [ 'ResponseHandler' => { HASH => \&hash_handler, ARRAY => \&array_handler, SCALAR => \&scalar_handler, }, ]; sub hash_handler { my ($app, $context) = @_; my $res = $context->get('res'); ### here make some changes to $res $context->set(res => $res); } sub array_handler { ... } sub scalar_handler { ... } # DESCRIPTION Nephia::Plugin::ResponseHandler provides response-handling feature for Nephia app. # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody